New begians

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somehow I ended up in a big peaceful place with tons of hills , a few trees , and I can feel the soft , bright green grass tickling the bottoms of my feet.
The sun was setting ,and it was so beautiful ,all of the colors in the sky combining and mixing together .
I close my eyes and take in the moment.The cool wind flowing threw my hair , and brushing up against my face.It felt nice , and calming, I wanted this moment to last forever. But the next thing I know is my alarm clock going off and that even tho that felt so real it was just a dream. Like they say all good things must come to an end . I hear my alarm clock and inmeadently sit up and burst open my eyes. I ran across my room and turned off the alarm clock . I look out my window , blinking a few times cuz the sun light burns my eyes . when I'm finally fully awake I grabbed an outfit and jumped in the shower. after I was dressed I blew dried my hair and straitened it. I applied some makeup you know the basic which consisted of eye liner and mascara , and I brushed my teeth my outfit consisted of a black and white PINK sweater with a white v-neck under it , leggens ,and black Uggs. after I was done getting ready I ran downstairs , almost tripping on my way down ,and ate a quick bowl of oatmeal. My mom walked in the kitchen as I was rinsing a bowl.
"Morning mom"
"Morning Molly"
"Oh hey I almost forgot I'm working late" my mom said with a grin .
" What can I say they love me " my mom replied sarcastically.
We both giggled.
"Hey you better leave or you might be late for the bus".
" Kay bye I love you mom"
"I love you to . have fun!"
I grabbed my baby blue Nike bag and headed out. All in all I lived in a beautiful neighborhood . I got out my phone and played music while I walked down to the bus stop. I really wasn't in the mood for the song Treasure so I decided to change it . As I looked up from my phone their were three boys staring at me . So I just put my ear buds out of my ears and put my phone in my sweatshirt pocket and we just stolid there in awakwordly. Finally the bus came and broke the awakwordnecess . I waited for the boys to get on but one boy just waited there .
"You can go " I said with a slight smile.
"Ladies first" we just stated giggling.
" If that's the case then I guess your getting on first"he just laughed.
"Just get on and stop flirting ! we don't have all day!" yelled the fat , middle aged women with short black hair and green eyes. she looked like she was sleep deprived.He have up and got on the bus first.
"Hey do u wanna sit with me?" asked the boy who I was "flirting" with .He had long ,curly, blond hair and dangerously gorgeous hazel eyes. I mean he's not that bad looking.
"I don't know we might get in trouble for "flirting" again" I joked.
"So what! she's just jealous cuz she's a loner" she said loud enough that the bus driver could hear.
" You know what they say once a loner always a loner" we both giggled and I decided to sit with him, I mean why not .On the bus ride there we talked about a lot of things like who to stay away from and what's happened at this school that I'm force to go to .
"Hey I almost forgot my names Dylan"
" Well nice to meet you" I said with a smile"
He just stared at me .
"Are you going to tell me your name?" he asked.
We got off the bus and went in side the school. it wasn't that bad looking , it was kinda gross cuz I saw a cupel making out and I felt sick to my tummy. I mean if u want to do that do it on your own time and not at school cuz all your doing is scaring people for life.
"That's Ashley the schools queen bee and sult and that's jake he's also know as the schools player" I guess he saw the look on my face.
"Yep oh the office is around the corner got to go so ill see you later!" Dylan said with this like um how do I saw this but like a little kid smile the kind they give when their given candy. I found the office and walked in. the lady at the front desk asked
"are you Molly walker?"
"Umm yes ma'am"
"Here's your information with you classes and locked combo he handed me a paper
"Thank you"
As I was walking down the hallway I was reading the paper and I sorta bumped into someone and we both fell.
"Hey watch were your going to stupid bitch!" said a guy with a dark voice.
"I'm so sorry!" I replied
"And who the fuck are you calling a bitch your the one who bumped into me!" I said while I got off of the floor. he turned around and looked at me. it was that jake kid.
"My bad "he said sarcastically
"Whatever" I said as I stormed off to find my locker .God I hate that kid already and on my first day here not even being here for 20 minutes I get called a bitch well isn't that nice . most of the day went kinda slow . and in every class the guys would stare at me it was creepy . in 5th hour (one of the only classes that I have with that jake kid) is the hour that I have lunch and as I sat at the table with Dylan he walked bye and winced at me
" Oh shit he's trying to be cute!" Dylan said goofily .
"He doesn't have to try he is cute !" said co co ( one of Dylan's friends)
"I don't know what people see in him he's rude and not really that cute" I said while taking a bit of my sandwich.
"What's wrong with you ! he's like a freaking angel!" she said with her eyes wide.
"Wait how do u know he's rude?" asked Dylan
"Well we bumped into each other and we both fell and he called me a stupid bitch" I said while taking another bite.
"Why the fuck did he call you a bitch!" he said with a little temper in his voice." to be honest I think he's PMSing" they started to burst out laughing .
"Maybe" Dylan said while taking a drink out of his apple juice.
After lunch school went bye pretty fast, the last bell of the day rung meaning it was time to go home . yay!
On the way home I talked to Dylan but I kept getting stared at bye those other two who has the same bus stop as me. one of the guys had longish wavy brown hair with blond highlights and had deep blue eyes, and he was wearing a tight red long sleeved shirt which was very extremely tight on him showing the outline of his six pack which I have to ament he was hot! and the other guy had red short wavy hair with lots of freckles and brown eyes .he was wearing a blue t-shirt that complemented his eyes. the bus stopped and it was time for us to get off. we all started to walk the same direction .
"Are you following me ?" I said raining my eye brow joke ing around
He chuckled and said "actually I live down here"
"That's cool!"
A car drove up by where we were walking . the guy inside said
"Come on guys get in "
"Why wear are we going?" asked that really hot boy.
"To get some stuff for tonight" he replied
"Who's this ?" he asked looking at me.
"Molly" Dylan said before I could even start to say my name.
"Your cute" she said with a wink.
Oh god! and your like what 20 yeah um no !!!! and what's with all these guys and saying I'm cute huh! it's kinda getting annoyed .
I just looked at him dumbfounded, and Dylan gave him an evil glair. The boys got in the car and off they went . my phone stared vibrating .it was my mom texting me
Her-hey I'm come ing home at 8:00
Me- k
Her -u need to take a shower and dress in something nice
Me- why
Her- we were invited by our neighbors to eat dinner with them
Me- oh umm Kay
Her- and when we go try not to be a smart butt please
Me- ugh but whyyy lol okay
So I did as I was ordered to .
After I took a shower I blew dried my hair and curled my hair , did my makeup ( the same as I did this morning) and put on my favorite dress. it was a flower print that white and black with some pink , I put on a pair of black flats, and walked down stairs to wait on my mom.
And like she said she got here well not at 8:00 but at 7:45 which gave her time to shower and to get dressed.
"Are you ready?" she asked
"Yep lets just get this done and over with" I said while walking to the next door neighbors door . my mom rung the bell and that boy the brown and blond hair answered the door
"Mom there here!" he yelled and a women came to the door . She was very pretty and looked as tho she was in her 20s but I doubt that . she had kind brown wavy hair and bright brown hair .
"Well I haven't seen you in like forever Sarah !" she said while giving my mom a hug. how does she know my moms name?
" I know but hey at less now we can catch up" she said smiling . I followed my mom into the house. if was pretty much just like ours but the walls were white and ours are grey and of course we have different things in our house . as I walked in I saw Dylan and the guy with the red hair .
"Molly!" Dylan gave me a hug
" Dylan?" I hugged him back
"Your my next door neighbor?" I asked
"No your my next door neighbor" he said empathizing the my.
I giggled quietly
"Well that's awesome I get to be neighbors with my Bestfriend who's a nerd!" I teased
"Yep " he said proudly
"Come on kids time to eat!" yelled the Dylan's mom
Dylan sat at the right side of me ,on the left was the boy with blond highlights , across from him was the red head and to the right of him was Dylan's mom and to the right of her was my mom.
"This is Dylan , Mikey ,and joe" Dylan's mom said to my mom
"And this is Molly "
"Hi " I said with a smile
So were having over our new neighbors and just to find out its that Molly girl and her mom
I sat to the left of her our moms introduced each others kids
"Hi" Molly said with one of those cute girly smile she looks like this is awkward or something my mom said that her and Sarah ( Molly's mom) have know each other sense they were in 10th grade . I'm not going to lie but Molly looks extremely hot ! and I don't know why but I feel like I know her from somewhere but I just don't know where... hummmm
Why is joe starring at me?
And I feel like I know him but where maybe no or-I was snapped out of my thoughts when Dylan's mom said
"How about you boys show Molly around?"
"Sure" Mikey said
And we all got out from the table
"This is the bath room and this is the shower and that's the sink" Mikey said as if I was a 3 year old -.- really
"I know that" I said in a matter of fact voice
"Yeah Mikey she's not you she doesn't need to be told what everything is" Dylan teased and stuck his tounge out at Mikey
"That's it!" Mikey yelled back and started chastening Dylan
"Hey I guess I'm just going to be the one who showed you around" said joe as we walked up the stairs .
"This is Mikey's room"he said as we walked in . his room was pretty much simple . it had a big bed with black and red blankets and pillows ,a closet, A flat screen tv and a lot of video games. then the next room we went into was Dylan's . his room was pretty much the same as Mikey's but his room had a little library in the corner and his blankets were blue with white pillows. then we went to joes room.
"And this is my room" he said as he walked in and say down .joes room was so much different that the other twos , he had a wrestling mat bye his bed and weights, his bed had black pillows and black,white,and red blankets, he had shelves on the wall with trophies from baseball ,wrestling and track, he had a flat screen with lots of movies and a couch . I walked over and looked at the trophies , he had so many , and all were for 1st place! and I'm not trying to get all nerdy but I'm in love with wrestling that's right I wrestle and play softball and I do track.
"Do u play?" he asked
"Yep I do track and I wrestle for school and I do softball also I bowl" I said looking at him . he looked surprised
"You wrestle?" he asked as if I was lying to him
"Umm yeah ...."
"That's cool are you any good?" he asked as if he was interested
"Well I'm tougher than the other guys at my old school and I would come close to winning but I've only won once this season and it was in 10.465 seconds "
"Wow at less ur goodish"
"Yeah anyway ......" I said
"Oh ummm what are you doing tomorrow?" he asked
"Why?" I asked
"Cuz Dylan wants to know if u wanna go to James party with me and him tomorrow ?"
"Oh well um yeah I guess I'll go"
"I feel like I know you I blurted out
"I feel the same.... but I don't know where" he said
"Molly!!!!!" Dylan yelled
"Coming!" I yelled back and walked to down stairs.
"Yeah?" I asked
"Umm do u wanna go to a party tomorrow with me and joe?"
After that our moms said there goodbyes and we went home
I went upstairs and changed into Pj's which were a pair of short shorts and a black tank top with a panda on it , I brushed my teeth and laid in bed . I have a long day ahead of me.... and why does Dylan want me to go to that party? ugh whatever I better get some sleep , and before I knew it I fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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