Chapter 9

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"She's been out for a very long time Ro. I'm worried about her," I say as I sit down next to her in the living room.

"She's just found out her mother is dead. How did you feel when your dad died?"

"Like the world was falling apart," I mumble. I didn't do anything for weeks. All those baseball lessons and soccer matches and candyfloss and smiles. All went to waste.

"Sorry. I have a question for you before we start working on funeral decisions. She's the one isn't she?" I look at Rosetta then nod slowly. "Oh, I'm so happy for you," she squeals and hugs me. "Now I just need to find mine and we can go on double dates. This is so exciting."

"Yeah sounds it. Come on, we need to start soon." Rosetta groans and kicks her feet upon the arm of the sofa and shoves me off. "Whatever Rosetta, I'm remembering everything horrible you do to me so when I'm officially Alpha, you're dead."

"Whatever, you're so scary," she says sarcastically.




Come lunchtime, all funeral decisions had been written down ready for Selena to decide colours and coffin and where it's going to be held. She was going to need both of us to help her through this. I walk up the stairs and stand outside her door. I can hear muffled crying. My wolf pines for her, to hold her in his arms. But she's not ready. I walk in and she quickly dries her eyes.

"I already heard you crying Selena. It's okay," I say as I sit on the bed next to her. "My dad got killed two years ago. I know what you're going through."


"By being an idiot. He thought he'd challenge the hunters and they killed him, like they killed your mother."

"Oh..." We go silent for a few minutes as she sits and processes the information. "It's my birthday."

"Oh yeah. Stay here, we've got a surprise for you." She shakes her head.

"I'm not in the mood."

"Your mom will want you to be happy. Please for me." She nods her head reluctantly then grabs onto my waist and starts crying again. I wrap my arms round her and rub her back slowly. Don't cry mate.

"It's okay. Everything will work out in due course." She nods again and lets go so I take the time to go downstairs and sort out her present. It has to be special. I walk into the kitchen and order all the cooks to make an extra special caramel birthday cake. Then I go to Rosetta who has abandoned me already bought her a present. So then it's down to me. I order Ryan to bring me some candles and Christmas tree lights and a picnic blanket and glasses and plates and munchies. I have a plan.

I drive down to the flower shop and buy a bunch of tulips. Then I go searching for a wolf t-shirt. On my search, I walk into a book store and buy her three new books and a pencil and pad to write her own stories. Then I go looking again. I look at my watch and see it's was nearly five so I don't have long. Ten minutes later, I finally find what I'm looking for and get some help in looking for a whole outfit. Top, shorts, shoes and sunglasses later, I'm on my way home. Ryan meets me in the doorway and hands me the candles and matches and outside white lights. I tell him to follow me and I take him to the little orchard that opens up to a small area with a pond and a large oak tree and beautiful flowers and grass. As I light each candle, Ryan sets out the food and then we both hang up the lights.

"Right, I need you to wrap these up," I say and give him the bag, minus the tulips that were lying on the blanket. "Then bring them back here and put them in a pile, neatly," I add. Ryan nods and we walk out the orchard. I grab Ryan's tie from his back pocket, telling him I need it and then we part. I walk upstairs again and open the door.

"You need to change Selena." She stands up slowly and grabs some clothes that I had picked from hers on the way back from the hospital and walks into the bathroom. I sit on the bed and start playing with the tie. When she walks back in, I stand up quickly, my breath taken away from me. She's gorgeous. And it's not even the clothes that makes her beautiful. But with her hair tied up, she looks absolutely gorgeous because I can finally see her face without a fringe hiding it.  

"I'm not into kinky stuff," she says and nods at the tie. I laugh and hide it.

"No, I need to blindfold you. It's a surprise." She shakes her head but willingly turn and around and let's me put the tie around her beautiful eyes. I take her hand and pull her gently towards the door. We try to walk down the stairs but she trips twice so I pick her up and carry her down. Ryan passes me as I walk under the orchard, giving us the thumbs up as we went. Everything is going to plan. Selena has her hand on my heart and when I sit her down and her hand is removed, I feel all cold.

"Are you ready?" I ask. She nods quickly and I undo her blindfold. I would love to describe how amazing her smile was but I can't. Her face just lights up as she looks around her at the candles and lights and food and presents.

"This is all for me," she finally says quietly.

"Yes. You can open the presents now or later."

"Now?" I nod. She picks up one of the brightly wrapped presents and opens it to reveal the t-shirt and trousers and glasses. "Wow, that's gorgeous. Wolves, like your drawings," she says. She puts the sunglasses on and starts posing which makes me laugh. The next present was the three books and she smiles as she read each blurb. "Interesting. They'll definitely keep me busy," she says. She was smiling. I can tell she's trying to brave and forget what has happened. The next present is the notepad. She looks at me with a confused look.

"I thought you could try and write your own stories. I would happily read them." She smiles and puts it back on the pile.

"I'll write about my life, but in a better way. And I'll write about you." I smile at her.

"Okay. Do you want to tuck in?"

"Yeah." We finished dinner quickly and lie down on the blanket side by side and watch the stars.

"Has this cheered you up?"

"Yes thank you Damien." I want to hold her in my arms but she has to make the first move. It was her choice. "Damien, do you think she's watching over me?"

"Of course she is." She snuggles into my side and I wrap my arm around her. "She'll be out there getting drunk and living the life of dreams." Selena starts crying again and I can't stop it. I can't make it any better. Instead I stand up and howl into the night sky and wait till I hear another howl.

"Why did you do that?"

"To show your mom is still there. You'll understand one day. Come on we should go inside." She stands up and takes my hand. "Happy birthday Selena."

"Thanks," she says and kisses me gently. "Damien, do you, do you like me?"

"You have no idea," I say and kiss her again. She smiles during the kiss and I do too. The wind starts blowing and she steps back and let's me breathe before hugging me tightly.

"Thank you. I don't know how else to tell you thank you for being here."

"Come on, let's go upstairs."

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