Chapter 3.

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We were all going to have dinner together outside. I looked out the window of the kitchen and I saw Lorenzo and Charlotte setting the table together, laughing and smiling together. I had been standing there for a solid minute just looking, envying what they have together.

"Tu vois quelque chose d'intéressant?" See something interesting?

I jumped from the voice coming from behind me. I looked behind me and saw Charles, putting a watch on his wrist. I immediately looked back outside, wondering if there was some good answer I could come up with. I hadn't noticed him walking into the kitchen at all.

"Non, je regardais juste Charlotte et ton frère," No, I was just watching Charlotte and your brother, I replied as I turned around. I leaned my back against the counter and I crossed my arms over my chest. Charles' eyes went from his watch to me without lifting his head. "Ils ont l'air si heureux ensemble, ils forment un si bon couple," They look so happy together, they're such a good couple.

He finally lifted his head and I saw him just briefly take me in, making me shift in my spot. I had changed into a lilac midi dress and I had a white sweater thrown over my shoulder in case it got cold when the sun had finally set. He was still dressed in khakis and a piké shirt.

"Je ne peux pas croire qu'il se marie," I can't believe his getting married, he replied with a chuckle.

He walked towards me and I immediately felt myself tensing up. He placed himself right next to me, but I stayed put as he looked out the window that I had been looking out of. He smiled as he watched the scene that I had been so caught up in watching. I turned to look over my shoulder, seeing how Lorenzo was now chasing Charlotte around the table while she kept throwing something small at him.

"Ta première belle-sœur," Your first sister in law, I said, watching the corner of his lips go up again as he kept his eyes looking out the window.

I wonder where we would be if we hadn't separated. It's crazy to think that we might've been husband and wife. Maybe we would've waited, maybe we would've been engaged. Would we live in the same apartment? I wonder if he still lives in it.

He kept standing there, watching his brother with the love of his life, and he had this little smile on his lips while he stared wide eyed. It really warmed my heart seeing how happy he was for his brother. It wasn't until he turned his head to look at me that I realized I was staring at him. As soon as our eyes met, I looked away, and I pushed off the counter and took a step away, moving some hair out of my face.

"Nous devrions y aller," We should go down there, I said, feeling the walls closing in on me a little as my cheeks got warmer and probably red.

I went to get my sandals in my room, where I also took a deep breath. It's not supposed to be like this between us.

When I came back out, Charles was waiting for me by the door. I put my sandals on by the door, and walked out the door he held open for me. We said nothing as the gravel crunched underneath our feet as we walked towards the table where some other guests also had arrived.

Charlotte and Lorenzo saw us walking together and I caught the look they exchanged with each other. It's the same look everyone has on their face when we do something together. Especially after the last few times we've seen each other.

"Quel vestito è stupendo, C," That dress is gorgeous, Charlotte told me when we got up to them. I smiled widely as I thanked her.

I looked around the table, trying to see if there was a seating plan or if there was anyone I knew I could take a seat next to without being awkward. However, it seems that no one I know has sat down yet, not even Franceso, so I looked to Charles and he motioned towards the middle of the table where his brother would likely be sitting when it was time.

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