Chapter 3

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“Absolutely not, Rain.” Sky says. “Just because you are dating P’Phayu doesn’t mean I have to like his friend. I still don’t trust those guys. Besides I have it on good authority that P’Pai is a player, dating his way through over half the university.”

Rain pouts a little at this. He has been trying to talk Sky into going on a double date, Sky and Prapai with Rain and Phayu. “But P’Pai is nice, funny, and handsome…..although not as handsome as my P’Phayu.”

“Stop trying to set us up, I don’t think he’s handsome. Also, if your P’Phayu is so great, have you told your mama about him yet?” Sky knows Rain hasn’t. Sky has gotten to know Rain’s mama when she has been home from business trips, in fact she practically considers Sky a second son by this point. He also knows her stance on alphas and her desire that Rain finish school before he starts dating.

“Well, no, but not because I don’t want to. It’s just, I don’t know how to tell her. She’s always been so against me dating an alpha to begin with.” Rain says, “Besides she isn’t going to be home for months, she is helping set up a new store in Japan now. I will tell her when she is home.”

Rain doesn’t feel as confident as he sounds. He loves his mama and her prejudice against alphas bothers him. He understands why she has it, and it’s not like she hates alphas in general, she just doesn’t want Rain around them. Rain knows if she just gives P’Phayu a chance she will love him. Will she give him a chance though, the thought has kept Rain up a few nights since he decided P’Phayu was what he wanted. Even before their freshman orientation and Rain’s confession. Rain sighs and decides he will just cross that bridge when mama gets back from her business trip.

Right now, back to the problem at hand. Rain wants to go on a date with P’Phayu, but every attempt they have made to be alone in the week since freshman orientation has been interrupted by P’Pai. The alpha seems to have an uncanny sense of how to find them no matter how isolated a spot they choose on campus. Rain is half convinced he will show up at any attempted date. P’Pai has hinted that their privacy can be bought with the condition that Rain talks Sky into a double date. Just one double date, nothing beyond that.

“Sky,” Rain whines, “You don’t have to marry him or even kiss him or anything, just consider it friends going out for the day.”

“Rain, I…” Sky starts.

“Sky, please,” Rain throws his arms around Sky and hangs off his neck, clinging like a koala when Sky tries to shake him off. “Please, please. I’ll never ask for anything ever again and I’ll help you with the freshman student council work. Please.”

“Fine, just get off me,” Sky says, pushing him away. “One not date only and you fill out all the student information cards and take them to the seniors to sign. That’s my deal, no negotiating.”

Rain gulps and nods, there are well over a hundred students in their freshman architecture class.

The news has the desired effect. That day at lunch P’Pai suddenly remembers he has some place to be and P’Phayu and Rain finally has some desired alone time. Rain decides to use the time to find out more about P’Phayu.

“Do you like studying architecture?” Rain asks. “Your family also owns a garage too right, isn’t it it a lot?”

“It can be, but I love architecture, and working with my hands in the garage. I can’t give up any of it. Saifah says I’m just stubborn that way.” P’Phayu laughs.

“Then you work for P’Pakin too?” Rain asks, shyly. He isn’t sure if P’Phayu wants to talk about that.

“It’s okay, Rain, I’m not looking for a casual fling and I want you to know about my world, all of it. Yes, I work for P’Pakin. Does that bother you?” P’Phayu asks.

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