Everyone knows that a lot of efforts are required to prepare for the prestigious competition exam. It is also obvious that a huge number of students come in the grasp of stress and tensions during this preparation phase. Though a little bit of stress is normal but if the stress level goes beyond control then it becomes a problem as it can impact your performance. Keep calm and do your best. Read on to know a few tips that can help you to keep a tab on your stress level.
· Don't Compare yourself with others: Many students keep comparing their performance with others. This leads to frustration and stress. You must know that everyone has different way of studying. You must focus on yourself rather than comparing yourself to your classmates and friends.
· Sleep well: Make sure you sleep for at least 8 hours a day. Less sleep means more stress. Many students tend to sleep for very few hours and this makes them irritated and stressed. Remember that your mind needs sufficient rest to function properly.
· Prepare a Time-table: Do not underestimate the importance of a time table. A suitable time table helps you to prepare in an organized manner. By following your time table you would be able to cover the syllabus in an efficient manner and this would help you to remain stress free to a certain extent.
If you dream to emerge as a winner then be confident and strive hard to achieve your goal. Do not take unnecessary stress as it would make exams a burden for you. All you need is a positive attitude and firm determination. Remember that earning an IIT badge is difficult but not impossible; with the right combination of HARD WORK and SMART WORK you can achieve it.
To more info: www.iitianspace.com
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