𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 // 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘹 𝘷𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

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 requested by ...??!.ᐟ Thanks to whoever requested this!!

tw; murder, blood

 You were the assistant to columbina; the third of the fatui harbinger. Someone that you know you shouldn't mess with. So why do you find yourself in her arms every time by the end of work hours?

 You licked your lips as you unlatched them from columbina's neck, licking up any remnants of blood left. You looked up at her, batting your eyelashes at her as if asking for more— to which she only smirks at you.

 "Thank you, columbina.." you said to her showing your gratitude. She got off of you and returned to her chair, leaving you to clean up after yourself on her lounge.

 "Yn, i won't be here for the next two weeks. Her Majesty is sending me off to inazuma tomorrow. Think you can survive on your own?" columbina asked you.

 You thought to yourself a little, trying to decide if you could last two weeks without blood. 

 "I should be fine. You've been feeding me a lot this past week." 

 She hummed at that and proceeded to do her paperwork that had been lying on her table. You sigh to yourself as you excused yourself— grabbing your coat before heading out of her office. 

 You could feel a chill run up your spine as soon as you stepped out, the harsh weather of snezhnaya showing no mercy. You pulled on your coat as you made your way out of the zapolyarny palace.

 You greeted your passing coworkers, slightly nodding your head towards them as a sign of acknowledgment. 

 You decided to stop by the market, deciding that you needed some groceries yourself. 

 "Yn! Here here!" a familiar cheery voice greeted you. 

 You smiled softly as you made your way toward her booth, the warmth radiating from it drawing you closer.

 "Yn, try this new recipe I've made and tell me what do you think about it!" she beamed at you while shoving a delicious smelling bread your way. 

 You grabbed the bread and bit into it— your eyes watering due to how hot it was and how delicious it was. "Mmmh.. it's as if you knew i was hungry."

 She giggled at this, nodding her head "I know you just got off of work.. So i decided to have you beta taste my new recipe!" Your cheeks warm at this as you feel butterflies begin swarming in your stomach.

 You took another bite, chewing and savoring the rich flavor of the bread. "The bread itself is not too sweet and the cheese on top really goes well with the bread." You complimented her, the bread now almost finished in your hand.

 You quickly scarf down the rest of the bread, humming from how good it was. "Might be my new favorite, if you decided to add it to the menu, maria."

 Maria thought to herself before an idea popped into her head. "How about i call it "yn's favorite" ?"

 You laughed out loud at this, "Haha! Are you sure? Cus' I'm really loving that name!". Maria nodded at this, her smile only growing wider.

 "Oh well, I'll be ordering that every day then. I better get going now, I'll see you, maria." You were about to leave before a soft hand grabbed your wrist stopping you from moving on.

 "Wait! Take some more with you!" she said while holding a paper bag full of baked goods.

 You smiled at this, grabbing the paper bag while thanking her— giving her your warmest smile. She smiled at you back, her eyes filled with nothing but adore.

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