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After the break-up between Adam and Evelin , Evelin was alone and had no one else . One day Jonah messaged Evelin to ask if she'd want to hang out sometime since they'd not seen Each other in a while . Evelin not having anything better to do accepted the offer to meet Jonah in the nearest cafe , when she arrived she sat down on an outside table waiting for jonah to arrive . she watched Jonah as he sat down in the chair infront of her . " Hey Jonah , how are you? " she'd say in an awkward voice . Jonah would reply with " I'm doing good , how about you ? " and she'd reply with " Im not really doing great , i've been so lonely ever since me and Adam broke up " . Jonah would then ask if she wanted to try one of the apple pie's they were selling in the cafe . She'd agree to try it since she really liked apples ever since she was little , So they waited for the food to arrive at their table . When it arrived and she noticed Jonah ordered a lemon tart , she'd then comment with " hey Jonah , i didn't know you liked lemons . " . Jonah would then  say " Oh , I really love lemons but i slightly love pizza more " . she'd take a bite of the apple pie Jonah ordered for her and she noticed that it was sweet , Evelin took another slice from the apple pie and eat it .Later on , she started to feel sick so she had to go home early . by the time she arrived back home , she walked towards her room but noticed i that a bright light was behind it , but she thought it was her leaving on the lights and then walked in . . .                                                                       ( DAY 1 )

She'd wake up in a totally different place , her surroundings was not anything like her room at all , instead it was like she was in a somewhat candlyland dream . Evelin was very confused on how she got here and how it was her of all people , she started to wonder if she died while entering her own room or she was just dreaming . She pinched her arm to only find out she wasn't in a dream , she was even more confused on how she even ended up in this situation but she started to sweat . She wen't to try take off the sweater Adam gifted her when they were together , but then she looked down at her jumper to notice that she wasn't even wearing one , she was instead wearing some beige bib overalls and a light green long sleeved shirt , with a beret themed as a green apple . She also noticed that she woke up next to a basket full of granny smith apples . she was starving so she took a bite of the apples , it was the same sweetness she tasted in the apple pie . After finishing the apple , she proceeded walk over a chocolate bridge with a strawberry lake running under it . As Evelin walked down a pathway she heard footsteps behind her . She turned around to then notice jonah , in a yellow suit and a lemon beret , just like her green apple beret . Jonah turned his head and then saw Evelin , he'd approach her saying " Hey Evelin! it's funny to see you again ! , are you feeling any better ? " . She'd then ask him why she was dressed like a green apple , but he'd just ignore her questions . Jonah would then lead evelin into a mansion what resembled a giant gingerbread house , she saw a familiar face in the window , and it made her hesitant to go through the door .As Evelin entered the gingerbread house , she noticed Sarah's brother Mark overlooking her , Beside Him was someone wearing a strawberry cheesecake themed tophat and a white suit . Evelin was somewhat intimidated by him since a cane that seemed to resemble a candy cane was like a spike , and she was scared of what the cane could possibly do to someone . Then Evelin looked behind mark and his friend and noticed adam , She was somewhat disappointed on seeing adam after the break up she didn't wanted to know him ever again , so she just ignored that he was even in the building and just waited for Jonah to introduce her. Jonah would then introduce evelin to people she already knew . Mark waved slightly to evelin , adam was about to put his hand up but then put his hand down , then the person with the strawberry cheesecake top hat came over to give evelin a hug . Evelin being scared of his cane took a step back . the person then said " How rude of You " . Evelin then quickly asked what his name was since she didn't know him at all and he replied " I'm cesar , Cesar Torres . what's yours . . ? " and she'd reply with " Im Evelin Miller . . " Cesar would say that she has a pretty name . She'd akwardly reply with " thank you . . ? " . then guided Evelin to a green room with a light green wallpaper , Green beanbag , a green blanket with a apple pattern and 2 apple shaped pillows . She smiled due to the cute theme of the room and Jonah seemed pleased that she liked the room , but then she asked " How'd you even know that i was even coming here . . ? " . Jonah ignored her question and said " well have fun in your new room! dinner will be done soon . " he then walked into the next room what Evelin guessed was Adams. Evelin slept that night not knowing how long she'd stay there . she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep . Then Cesar Stepped into the room and sat on the edge of the bed . " Evelin . . you awake ? " Cesar asked in a monotone voice . She'd reply quiet voice " Yeah . . " cesar would then speak to her about how better and how  she acted " nicer " than Mark and Adam and how she was " well behaved " But she was assleep the whole time , and didn't hear any of his thoughts .                                                                                                                                                                                     ( DAY 2 )

She woke up the next day and went straight outside , only to be dragged to a dinner table by Jonah . They all Ate sugary thing what nearly made Evelin vomit infront of everyone . after that she went to go speak to Adam , to see if he'd change . she approached him and said " hey Adam . . you look a little sad . what's wrong ? " He'd reply with " I'm fine. " . Evelin would then have a long talk with him to try and speak about this place and they bonded again ( becoming friends again ) . Cesar and Jonah would walk into the room asking why they were hanging out and evelin said " we just wanna speak to each other and know how  Our  days have been . Jonah would give a frustrated look and Cesar would show a more upset look . Adam would then say goodbye to Evelin and she'd go back to her room to sleep.
( DAY 3 )

She'd wake up to someones muffled screams coming from downstairs and Adam sitting next to her . He'd say in a worried voice " I think cesar killed . . " And evelin would ask what's going on before he could continue speaking and then he said " we were all just sitting in the living room and Mark was wispering to me that he'd been trapped here for days , and that Jonah and Cesar was making us stay just to eat us . . " evelin then would reply with " we have to do something about it then! Maby we can take out cesar first , or maby jonah . . ? " . Adam said to her that if they tried fighting jonah that they'd just die in the process , but Evelin was confident they'll make it out together . They creeped downstairs as the screaming stopped and instead became loud Gurguling . Adam and Evelin then went into the dining room and heard that the noises were becoming louder . They walked into the kitchen to soon find out that the sound is coming from the freezer , they didn't only hear the loud gurgling but they also heard Cesar's twisted laugh echo from what they assumed was the freezer room . they decided the sharpen some forks to defend themselves from Cesar  . when they kicked the door down they instantly got scared  for their lives , someone they once knew laid on the floor , their head in the corner but the blue jam trailing from the Center of the room to the corner soon turned into a dark red trail . it seemed that  Cesar KILLED Mark . . " Now , what are YOU two doing here . . ? you're supposed to stay upstairs . . " said  Cesar . He was Tall and bony , and looked like he was starving for months . He pointed his bloody cane at Evelin as Adam got ready to jump at Cesar with his Fork . Cesar would then walk towards Evelin , nearly cornering evelin but then Evelin kicks him back and Adam stabs Cesar's back with the sharp Fork . Cesar would Screech in pain , but they wouldn't feel bad for that monster. Evelin would then stab him in the heart with the sharp fork , Cesar then went limp . Evelin and Adam then walked back upstairs to confront Jonah  on kidnapping Them , only to say " I only did it because I love you Both , please . . don't leave Me , i will give you anything ! money , clothes , PLEASE JUST DON'T LEAVE ! ". Evelin would feel too guilty to kill Jonah but then Adam reminds her that he is a literal psycho who is not worth sparring  . Adam would then pass Cesar's sharp cane to Evelin and without any thought , Evelin cuts open his stomach to find a key . As they leave the room Jonah turns into a black jelly . Adam then said " Hand me it . . i know what to do with it.  " Evelin and Adam then would go behind the gingerbread mansion to find a basement door , it was locked but Adam had the key . He went up to the padlock and unlocked it . it was a black empty void that seemed to last forever . They both held each other's hand as they jumped in the endless void. Evelin finally woke back up , she heard the rain hit the window , she looked outside but noticed , it wasn't rain but  . . . the black goop from her dream ..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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