Howd They React If You Got In A Fight

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Dom- He knows you can handle yourself so he doesn't step in or stop you but he would be standing with his arms crossed smirking.

Brian- He would be ready to step in if anyone else tried jumping in (e.g the boyfriend of the girl you were fighting)

Letty- You would both be fighting because you do literally everything together

Deckard- Knows you could easily kill the person so would watch from the side and get slightly turned on from watching you

Luke- Would help you out immediatly

Roman- Would watch for a bit then join in if you needed the help

Cypher- Wouldnt be there but would be watching you thrhough gods eye

Ramsey- She doesnt fight so she would be watching from the sidelines (you probably go in the fight to protect her)

Tej- Would help if you needed him to but only if he got a signal from you otherwise hed be watching proudly

Han- Would just watch you smirking while eating his peanuts

Gisele- Would automatically join in and help just for fun

Owen- Would watch from a distance but if he got to annoyed he would just shoot the person dead

Little Nobody- Wouldnt be there and wouldnt know until you came back to him and he saw you hurt

Mia- Would probably be the reason you started fighting the person so she would stay out of it and watch smiling of how protective of her you are

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