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Chloe pov.
Marinette keeps looking at me. "Are you guys ready for a game?" Nino shout. "Yeah~!" everyone shout.

He got out a empty beer bottle. "1st game spin the bottle" he says. "If anyone resist, you'll have to take a shot" he explains.

I sit down on the floor. Marinette in front of me. A couple of round went almost everyone kissed.

It spins again landing on Marinette. Almost every omega in th room squel in excitement. It spins again. Marinette smiles as it landed on me.

"Today's my lucky day" She says. I look around their no shot glass. "Come on" Marinette says.

We walk into a closet. "Have you ever kissed anyone?" She ask.. "No" I admitted. She smirk. "Then I'll be your first"

Her lips are we're closer. I close my eyes and we were kiss. Her lips were soft. She grasped my legs causing me to gasp. Her tongue snuck into my mouth.

Marinette pov....
Mmmh~ she moaned. I snuck my tongue  inside.

This had to be her. She had to be my soulmate. If she is I had to keep her close.

I pull away slowly. "My queen" I say, causing her tense up. I grab her ass. "Were just kissing" Chloe shout.

I laughed. "Sorry, My queen"

I kiss her again. She let my tongue enter here mouth. We kiss more and more. 

Mmmhh~ she moaned loudly. I stopped catching my breath. "Let's call it quits" She asked. Out of breath.

I kiss her again. I leaned lower pecking her neck. She started moaning on my neck.

Aaah~ Mari- wait" She word hardly coming out. My dick was already hard.

I kissed her neck more making her shiver. "Tomorrow let continue" I demanded.

The next school waited at Chloe's seat. When I finally saw her. She was with that Lil nerd, Sabrina.

When she saw me she stopped in her track. I walk toward her. Grabbing her risk. "Let have some more fun" I whispered.

I walked out of class. "Let me go!" She shouted, as I forced her out the classroom.  I got an empty classroom. Locking it.

I kissed her. Her hands trying to push me. "Marinette" She calls. I backed up. "Yes?" I ask. "Class start in 10 minutes" She explains.

"Why would I care?"  I ask. Chloe turned around. "I don't know" She says. She looked disappointed.

I sit her conformable on the table. I take her pant, showing how wet she is. "Mmmh she moans

Man she cute. I peck her ear. Her body trembles at my kisses. Her hand start to get weaker.

I stop myself realizing it time for lunch."Well see finish later" I pecked her cheek.

Before leaving the classroom.

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