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Me: Ok it's just some art for a chapter, people aren't going to look at it very long, so don't make it too complex.

Also me: Don't make any character designs too complex either! You'll have to draw them a lot of times!

Also also me: *Makes the art for this chapter.*


 Lynix awoke the next day to a note on his door from Rage saying to meet him somewhere at noon.

  Weird, Lynix thought. But then again, who on this server is normal?

  He decided to check on his axolotls, and for a moment, was mesmerized by their peaceful movements. That is, until he saw the diamond sword sitting on the floor, right next to the chest he had left there last night. 

  What is going on? Lynix thought, pacing the room. Why is somebody giving me all this good stuff? WHO is giving me all this good stuff? I know Doni gave me the netherite, but I don't think he gave me anything else. Why would he?

  Lynix's mind was brimming with questions, and the fact he had no clue what any of the answers were didn't help. Maybe he could ask Rage when they met.

  Just then, Lynix realized that he had to go now, or he wouldn't get to meet with Rage. Quickly, he gathered some things he would need for the journey, and strode out the door.

  Finally, he made it. The place Rage had picked was rough and cluttered, not to mention pretty far away from the village. Lynix wondered why his friend had chosen this place, but didn't get much time to, as he stepped out of the bushes right then.

  "Hello, Lynix," Rage greeted, a bit coldly.

  "Hi Rage," Lynix replied, a bit startled by his friend's sudden demeanor. "Why did you want to talk to me? Is it about the weird gifts?"

  "Actually," Rage responded, switching back to his normal tone of voice. "I was hoping you knew something about that. A wrench appeared in my chest yesterday, among other things. What did you get from this weird mystery person?"

  " A lot of good items. Yesterday and today."

  "Wow." Rage mused, half to himself and half to Lynix. "So this means that it's not you, and it's not me either. Who did this? Hmmm..."

  "Actually," Lynix interjected. "I have a theory on who it might be."

  "Really? Who?" His friend seemed intrigued by this. 

  Lynix paused for a minute before answering, "Doni."

  Rage seemed surprised at this. "Doni?" He asked. "Why him?"

  "Well... You know how he stole my favorite axolotl a few days ago?"

  "Yes," Rage seemed to be getting a bit impatient.

  "Well he gave it back to me yesterday. But the weird part is that at the bottom of the bucket was netherite. I don't know why. If it's him, he's probably just trying to mess with us." Lynix said as he felt something a bit wet brushing up against his leg.

  Wait, what's that? He panicked. What is that? WHAT IS THAT?

  He felt like he was about to scream. Looking down, he discovered that it was his axolotl. The one they were just talking about, no less. "Hey Rage? Sorry I can't stay longer, but I gotta get this guy home."

  Rage didn't respond, so Lynix took that as an okay. leaving the clearing, he had a weird feeling,  like he was being watched from the trees.

  Great, another thing to worry about.


  Rage watched Lynix leave the clearing. He had to admit, he hadn't thought Lynix would piece that together so fast. But then again, who else was rich enough that they could pull this off? He had known about the chest yesterday, and had witnessed the awkward conversations between them that same day.

  Well, he thought, chuckling. If it is Doni, then he's certainly spoiling Lynix. I wonder why. Maybe it's just because Lynix gives some pretty funny reactions. he should have seen himself when his axolotl crept up on him

  Slowly, something brown crept through the bushes, catching Rage's attention.

  Well, if whatever it is is trying to be sneaky, it certainly isn't doing a very good job.

  He walked closer, and realized that the something was actually a someone. Someone who had been spying on their conversation, no less.

  "Hello!" Kiply popped out of the bushes with a cheerful expression.

  "YAGH!" Rage almost yelled. "What are you doing?"

  She laughed. "Oops. Did I scare you? And I was watching you. I think that part was at least a little obvious."

  Rage sighed and facepalmed. "Why?"

  "Because it's fun!" Kiply emerged from the bushes, somehow not at all scratched even though the bushes were filled with thorns.

  She looked around. "Wow. You chose here for your secret meeting? It must have been way more important than it sounded because this place is weird. It gives me the creeps" She shuddered while saying that.

  "Really?" Rage asked, looking around. "It doesn't seem like the kind of place. Sure, it's a bit shabby, but it doesn't feel evil."

  But Kiply was already gone, the echo of her voice saying "Well, I'm getting out of here," Still rung faintly through the trees. And Rage decided to leave too.


  Hello cacti! (That's what I've decided to call you all from now on.) Decided to stay up and write this because it is now Sunday and I don't have school. I don't have too much else to say other than this took me WAY too long to write. Writer's block is a pain in the neck. Anyways, yeah. Have a good whatever time it is and I'll see you later maybe!

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