One: Minho pov

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I was sitting in an uncomfortable chair, trying to make it through English. My phone vibrated signaling a text from my brother, Jay. (Jay Park) He told me to talk to him when I got home, I ignored it as usual and tried to get some sleep.

My teacher tapped me on the shoulder, jolting me awake. She scolded me for sleeping in her class and sent me to the principal's office, again.

I headed down to the main office and cautiously stepped into the principal's office. He glared at me and gestured to one of the two chairs placed in front of his desk. I sat down and braced myself.

"So we meet again, Minho." He said as he leaned back in his office chair, trying to be intimidating.

I laughed nervously and responded. "Yeah..."

"This is the 3rd time this week. You need to get your act together." His glare sharpened. "Over 30 times this month you've found your way into my office."

I nodded slowly and stayed quiet. It always ended better that way.

He continued. "Not only that but your grades are dropping. If we don't find you a tutor soon, you're going to be expelled."

My eyes widened. "Expelled?"

"You heard me. Fix your grades." He snapped.

I nodded weakly, still processing the news. I needed a tutor...

The principal looked at his computer before meeting my eyes again. "I think we have the perfect tutor for you." He grinned. "He's in the same grade as you but 2 years younger."

Right. That. I was held back 2 years and ended up in freshman year at 16.

"His name is Han Jisung. Now go back to class."

I stood up and left his office, slightly bowing my head at the doorway, trying to be respectful.

I made my way into the hallway. Han Jisung. I took note of the name. It seemed familiar but I couldn't figure out who it was.

I walked back into the classroom and made a beeline for my seat.

"How'd it go, Mr. Lee?" My teacher asked with a condescending tone.

I ignored her and sat down, keeping my head low. I dropped it onto my arms and closed my eyes. I just needed a bit more rest..

The bell rang when I was just about to fall asleep. Class was over. I rushed out of my seat and walked out of the classroom's door when a kid lightly tapped my shoulder.

"Hello. I'm Han Jisung." He introduced himself, nervously.

"Oh." I said after a short pause. So he was the one who would tutor me.
"The principal told m-" I cut him off.

"Save the small talk." I said with annoyance. "You're my tutor. So when does the tutoring start?" I asked confidently.

"Oh..." I could see him tense up. I felt a little bad for him. "Sorry. After school you can meet me at my house...?"

He handed me a slip of paper with his address written on it. XXXX Hill Lane, New York. Building 12, apartment 36B.

I went to my next class and prepared for the most boring lesson of my life.

When the school day finally ended I packed up my things and left to go to the parking lot. I saw Jisung looking around aimlessly. I honked my horn and he jumped back slightly before staring at me.

I rolled down my window. "Do you need a ride?" I asked.

He seemed surprised by my question. "Oh, it's fine my dad will be here in half an hour." He responded while looking around the parking lot again.

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