Chapter 1

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The halls of Hanseong High School buzzed with life as students hurried to their classes. Jaehoon walked along the corridors, his gaze fixed on the floor, lost in his own world of thoughts. A soft-spoken boy with an affinity for the violin, Jaehoon was content with the solace his music provided. He had never been one to seek attention.

On the other side of the spectrum was Youngeun, a whirlwind of energy who seemed to light up every room she entered. Her laughter echoed through the halls as she chatted animatedly with her friends, Hiyyih and Yeseo. With her outgoing nature and love for performing, Youngeun was the center of attention wherever she went.

One sunny morning, the sun's rays streamed through Youngeun's bedroom window, rousing her from sleep. She jolted upright, realizing she had overslept. With a gasp, she rushed through her morning routine, throwing on clothes and grabbing her schoolbag in a flurry.

She raced down the stairs, her heart pounding. "Mom, I'm going to be late!"

Her mother chuckled. "Slow down, Youngeun. Breakfast is on the table."

Youngeun barely had time to scarf down a few bites before grabbing an apple and darting out the door. She sprinted to school, her breath coming in short bursts. Miraculously, she arrived just in time, her hair slightly disheveled and her cheeks flushed.

As the day began, the usual chatter filled the classroom. Youngeun slipped into her seat, her heart still racing from her mad dash to school. She exchanged smiles with Hiyyih, who sat beside her.

Just as the teacher was about to begin the lesson, the door swung open. The principal walked in, followed by their art teacher, Ms. Park. The class fell into a hushed silence.

"Good morning, everyone," the principal greeted. "We have a special project for you all."

Ms. Park stepped forward, her eyes scanning the room. "We'll be working in pairs for this project. And the pairs have already been chosen."

A murmur of curiosity swept through the room as the teacher began to read off the pairs. Youngeun's heart raced as she waited to hear her name.

"Youngeun and Jaehoon," Ms. Park announced.

Youngeun's eyes widened in surprise. She exchanged a glance with Jaehoon, who seemed equally taken aback. Hiyyih nudged her playfully, a mischievous grin on her face.

As the day progressed, the anticipation of working with Jaehoon lingered in the back of Youngeun's mind. Recess finally arrived, and she found herself by her locker, talking to Hiyyih.

"Youngeun, this is fate," Hiyyih teased. "Late to school and then paired up with the mysterious violinist."

Youngeun rolled her eyes, her cheeks tinted pink. "Oh, please. It's just a project."

Hiyyih laughed. "Sure, sure."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of recess, Youngeun and Hiyyih exchanged a knowing look. The day continued, a whirlwind of lessons and interactions. Amidst the chaos, Youngeun's thoughts occasionally drifted to Jaehoon and the upcoming project. Little did she know that their partnership would lead to a journey of discovery, both about each other and themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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