Part (5)

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You removed your seat belt & about to step out from the car but he held your hand to stop you,

Jin: Yn, wait!

Yn: hmm!

Jin: Don't you like me?

Yn: Why wouldn’t I like you? I mean you're the biggest superstar.

Jin: Please think me as a normal human & tell me do you like me?

Yn: I'm liking you from 2018. Is there any doubt left Mr Jin?

He smiled & replied,
Jin: Then where are you going without giving me your Contact number hmm? I want to know to more about you.

You gave him your number & enter the house excitedly. The whole house is full of darkness. So you turn on your phone's flashlight & searched for Jiho. You turned on the lights of her room & found her crying,

Yn: Jiho! What happened? Why are you crying?

Jiho: Nothing Yn. Go and freshen up.

Yn: Bestie, please trust me & tell me what's wrong!?

She wiped her tears & said,
Jiho: You know I've been dating Sehun for 5 years now?

Yn: Hmm I know.

Jiho: Now he wants to break up with me. We had a big fight few minutes ago.

Yn: What? But why? He loved you more than his own life.

Jiho: Yes, he still loves me a lot but he wants me to stay with him. I promised him that I'll complete my highter studies in Incheon with him. Also you know my parents are also there.

Yn: Hmm I understand. Dumbo why are you crying then? Just go & stay with your love!

Jiho: But I can't leave you alone here. You’re completely unknown in this city! You’re my responsibility Yn.

Yn: Listen, you don't have to think about me. Ok? I'll manage everything.

Jiho: Are you sure?

Yn: Yes I'm 1000% sure! I can't see you unhappy. You will go to your love exactly tomorrow.

She hugged you tightly & went to pack her things. You are sitting in your room & thinking what will you do alone here. You don't even have any permanent job.


It's the last concert day in seoul. You’re doing Jungkook's hair but you are lost in other thoughts,

Jk: What happened? Why you're looking so tensed?

Yn: Umm? No nothing! I'm fine.

Jk: You can tell me. Maybe I can help you.

You didn’t want to share anything but he insisted too much so you told him everything,

Jk: Ouhh! So Miss Yn is afraid.

Yn: I'm not afraid I'm just worried.

Jk: Ok no problem. From today you will stay with me. Then you don't have to worry anymore. 

Yn: Huh?

Jk: I mean not with me with us. You know we all are staying together because of the new activities.

Yn: Thanks but this is impossible.

Jk: I'll make everything possible. So, I will pick you up tonight.  Now go home and pack your things.

After saying that he put AirPods in his ears & started to listen music loudly. As a result, he doesn't have to listen to.

Jungkook send you to your home early but you didn’t even started to pack your things. You decided no matter what, you won't stay with them. It's late at night but you can't sleep because you're not used to staying home alone. Suddenly your doorbell rangs,

Yn: ☁️ Omg! Who came at this time? Should I go & open the door? God, please save me!☁️

You slowly opened the door & your jaw dropped after seeing him,

Jk: Miss Yn! How polite to keep the guest at the door for so long?

Yn: Jungkook?

Jk: Yes, I'm Jeon Jungkook!

He entered the house without saying anything & started to check if you're stuffs are packed or not,

Yn: What are you doing here at this time? Who gave you my address?

Jk: You didn’t pack anything yet? Why? Ok no problem I'll transfer everything later. Now let's go with me.

To be continued........


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