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idefk dude

"And take your dirty cigarettes with you too!!"

Mama kicked me out the house.

It was snowing. I typically didnt like the snow but since it was New York, it was something I was gonna have to deal with. I stood up, brushed myself off and shuffled to the 7/11 across the street. I opened the door and was immediately greeted by,
"Ay, Berry. Your mom kick you out the house again?" "You know it Julia." Julia worked at the gas station for pretty much as long as I can remember.
she had short bright pink hair and and a nose piercing that sat in between the deepest dimples I have ever seen on a person. she stood at about 5'4 but everyone knew not to mess with her.

"Ay Berry, what are we going to do with you?"
"Just the cigarettes Julia."
She rung up my cigarettes and commented,
"Powerball is at 57mill. You in?"
I sighed, this would for sure take all the money out of my pocket. But I was feeling lucky.
"Sure. Why not."

I walked out of the store and lit a cigarette on the side. Julia sneered at me through the window, and shook her head while clicking her tongue.
I could definitely tell she was disappointed, but I didn't care.

I rolled my eyes and walked away with a smoke trail and a lottery ticket.

"Yeah attah boy!!"

There my father goes, yelling at the TV again. This time instead of horse races, its football.
"Hey Marshal! Grab me another beer. Be quick!"
Thats the thing with him. Ever since mom left he hasn't been the same. I just dont understand why she would leave me here-
"I said be quick damnit!"
I was suddenly hit with a bottle on the back of my head. It shattered and glass broke all around me, I could feel blood starting to drip from the back of my head.

I wasn't shocked, this had happened before plenty of other times. My father became physically abusive after my mother left and it really wasn't a good thing. I couldn't even speak up or else I would get beat even more. I could run away but nobody would believe me. Im great at putting up a front and pretending to be something im not, especially at school. Its senior year, after all these years why would I just now be speaking up on it? See, it doesn't make sense.

"Now clean this up!!" He yelled as he stumbled back to his couch. I was so incredibly done with his BS.
after I got done sweeping, I ran upstairs and bolted into the bathroom. The blood had stopped, but it made dry marks all around my neck.
I decided to take a hot shower, but that made my other scars sting. My back was a mixture of black and blue spots and my arms were torn and scarred.
I stuck to sweaters and hoodies so nobody would notice. A plus side was that it was winter, so nobody would suspect a thing.

After my shower, as quick and as quiet as a mouse I bolted downstairs and grabbed my car keys. I needed to go anywhere, anywhere but the house full of memories I was staying in. I drove to my favorite coffee shop and simply let out a sigh of relief.



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