Call me later

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                                     Berry's POV
On the rare occasion that mama wasnt fussing at me for doing something wrong again, I like to sit in silence on my windowsill and watch New York from my closet-sized room.
I would crack the window open just enough so my right leg could dangle out above the city while my left leg supported me on the windowsill.

Mama never liked when I did this because she said it was dangerous, but thats never stopped me. When im up here I'd like to think I'm the king of New York and the people that pass below my feet are all citizens of my kingdom. I would occasionally light a cigarette up here but I stopped because I'm almost sure Mama could smell it.

My door burst open.
"Mijo, what did I tell you about sitting out the window like that?!" I could basically hear her heart speed up. "I know Mama im sorry I'll stop." I wont. "I just came in here to say goodnight, im off to work."

Mama worked night shifts at the hospital down the road, she was a nurse. She used to worry about leaving me alone at night considering we dont live in the fanciest neighborhood in all of New York. After my sister, Veronica left for college, Mama became depressed not having her superstar living with her anymore.

 Veronica was always her favorite, and everyone loves her, including me. When my mother wasn't there to be a mother for me, Veronica was all I had. But now Veronica lives in California and she's working in law school. I wonder how thats going for her. I miss her.

"Mijo, make sure to lock the doors." She continued. "Dinner is in the fridge."
"I know Mama. Im not a little kid anymore."
She looked me up and down, as if what I just said offended her.
"Alright. Goodbye."
She then closed the door behind her and her footsteps slowly faded away.

Mama wasn't the only one who got depressed after Veronica left. My grades dropped and I started smoking. I started staying out late and not telling my mom where ive been after being gone for days. I know my mother isn't proud of me. She hasn't told me shes loved me in a while- none the less, hugged me. I couldn't wait to move out of here.

I was mid sleep when my phone started to ring. Who could possibly be calling me at 2 fucking Am?
It was Julia.
She could wait.
I declined the call but just as fast as I declined it, it started ringing again.

"Oh my goddddddd." I groaned.
"Julia what the fu-" I was cut off by her squealing from excitement. "Julia are you oka-"
"The people called me Berry they called!" I could hear the excitement she was trying to keep in. "Who called?" This better be good. "The people Berry! Says we got a lottery winner AT OUR 7/11!!" I went silent, then what she said in my head processed. "You got to be joking Julia. I swear if this is some kind of joke."
"Its no joke Berry I swear! Someone that bought a ticket from this 7/11 wo-"

I hung up. This isnt the first time Julia has drunk called me about some dumb shit. I proceeded to decline the rest of her calls and eventually, I went to sleep.


It was late, and I was out past my curfew.
Damn, I was gonna get it!

I silently unlocked the side door to my house, tip toed in and silently closed it behind me.
The TV was turned up loud, but my father was fast asleep on his brown recliner couch. I sighed, relieved that I avoided yet another beating. I turned down the TV by a ton and slowly made my way up the stairs to my bedroom, where I was actually safe.

I sighed again, but this one louder and more comfortable than the other. I threw my hoodie across the room and exchanged it for a white T shirt instead, letting my scars and bruises breathe.

I opened my Mac and began browsing Pinterest. Pinterest was definitely a comfort zone for me because there was so much to look at, so much to browse. I could browse the life I wish I had. Retired at 25 living on an island with palm trees and the ocean as my backyard. I knew it would never happen but there was a little fire inside of me burning, hoping, wishing, thinking that someday, it just might.

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