💖 First Game - Andrew

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Warnings - Reader and Andrew both have social anxiety x_x, kinda awkward, not proofread, reader is new to the manor, mIgHT be boring/cringe



Throughout your whole life, you were alone. All because of social anxiety. Everyone always says '___ is just shy!' No, no, no! Nobody truly understood what you had to go through from the hells of social anxiety. You can't even talk to your classmates or order food for yourself? How basic, they say! Their invalidating words made you learn that being alone is better, because those people will never get you.

However, you only had one friend. Amy. You were her total opposite! Extroverted, approachable, and energetic! It was unbelievable how someone like that could be your friend. She was reliable and your inspiration to do those basic stuff like talking to your classmates and order food for yourself! Oh how you missed her.. if only she was here like all times-

... SLAM!

The flashback immediately ended as the man with the green hoodie slammed the table, making you flinch and snap back to reality.

"Hey, new person! Did you even hear what I was sayin'?" The man leaned closer while waving his hand infront of you. "You won't be able to survive this game if you're unfocused, you know" He says with a mean tone. Obviously, he already doesn't like you.

"Um.. sorry" You mumbled and pursed your lips. Getting yelled at by a random stranger certainly is embarrassing.

"Hey!" A loud thud echoed through the room, your eyes darting at the sound. A brown haired lady with a uniform holds her flare gun, staring daggers at the mean green hoodied man. "Don't be so rude to the new girl. You have not even seen her abilities yet." She knew how the feeling of being looked down upon felt.

" 'ts not my fault she's stuck in her own little world." He leans back on his seat, chugging down at the small glass cup of orange juice before crossing his arms.

"Tch" Martha also crossed her arms as she looks away, not wanting to start another big argument over something so silly. The match was about to start anyways.

Not knowing where to look or place your hands, you look to your left to see a tall man with white hair and black clothing with his face down and a slouched posture. His long lustrous hair covered his face. Is he handsome? Judging from his position, he's probably also nervous. You kept a straight posture since it's already bad enough and you're self conscious with your appearance.

Just as you were about to space out again, a 'thing' walked infront of you! Wait, what is that? A tiny tree but with an eye with branches as its hands? What is this sorcery?!

You almost squealed and fall off your chair until you notice the 'thing' place a plate infront of you. Sure you were really scared of insects and your mother would always tell you "There is no reason to be scared because you're bigger than that insect!" But this.. this tiny creature, who wouldn't be afraid?

However, your fear died down as the thing leaves. You look at your favorite food on your plate. You lick your lips as you grab a spoon and take a portion, your mouth was about to take a delicious bite to fill that empty stomach of yours, until you fainted..

It was the last thing you remembered before your eyes slowly open, your body shivering at the immense cold. As you look at your surroundings, your in a snowy place. Getting up, you get a little migraine but forced yourself to walk.

'The hell is this place..' You looked up to see a glowing antenna and approached it. You remembered playing lot of escape games like 'Flee the Facility', maybe it's like this but in real life! You thought it was cool until you thought about the hunters. Are they big and scary?..

You notice that white haired man is already using the machine. Of course you wouldn't see him, it's night and he's wearing all black. Well, atleast it was not that rude man earlier! You didn't know where else to go, and you'll probably make a new friend.

Your mind was filled with intrusive thoughts of what might happen if you approach him. Will he be shy or get mad and kill you?!

"Hi" you mumble as you start decoding the cipher and spinning those little wheels, but he gets startled and shocks the cipher! You both squealed and flinched.


".. It's fine." He moves away from the keyboard and faces the opposite side of you to keep his distance. You were a bit offended.

You bit your inner cheek as you heard his low deep voice.. It's just two words he mumbled, why are your cheeks heating up?! Probably because of the voice.. or your anxiety...

You can tell he feels uncomfortable, judging by his look and the way he's decoding.. It's also your first time seeing an albino, boy does he look handsome! You kept staring at him while decoding, until he looks back at you and made eye contact.. you didn't want to be a creep, so you look back at the cipher!..

"..Is there something on my face?" 'she's probably looking at me because i'm too ugly. Why is she even here anyway?'

",,,, you just look kinda pretty." You bit your inner cheek harder.

He looks at you with a dark expression before focusing on the cipher again.

'I know damn well she is lying. I have never heard anyone compliment me in my whole life except my mother. I am the scum of the earth. She should never look at this hideous, demonic face, or even come near me.'

'Oh fuck did i say something wrong? Why is he looking at me like that?'

Everything was so damn awkward, this didn't go as well as you thought! But just you wait, the machine will be done soon!

As the cipher machine progress went up to 83%, the Mercenary got hit, a loud gong sound echoing through your ears.

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