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I closed my eyes and said in pain:

aah it's hurt ... please don't leave me OPPA noo please please ...and everything went black.

After one hour I opened my eyes slowly

and I said: ooo op oppa ?? what happened to me? Where I'm I?

Mizuki: remember what?

Rome: you know who I am?

Me: mmm you are rome from c-clown ... I'm a big fan of you^^

Rome: FAN just FAN !! never mind I will

go out .. mizuki if anything happen tell me ok bye

Me: Mizuki .. what's wrong with him

.. and why he is here? And what did he

mean by just fan?!

Mizuki: it's a long story .. I will

tell you later.. tell me now how are you ? and do you still have pain?
Me: I'm fine just a little pain don't worry^^

Suddenly my phone rang I saw the
caller ID and said: ooh it's my crazy chingo

Mizuki with herself: ( she only call
V with this name ... did she remember him now?!!)
Me: hey crazy chingo long time ..

how are you and BTS?
V: hi chingo we are fine .. but I need

to meet you now .. mm are you free?
Me: mm ok sure .. when and where?
He told and then hangout
Mizuki: do you remember V?
Me: what do you mean .. V is my

crazy chingo I told you before how we met .. ooh mizuki I need to get ready V

will take me out at 8 ^^
Mizuki: you have time to get ready

.. but now you have to come with me
Me: where?
Mizuki: you will know later
(after 15 minutes we arrived to the

Me: why we are in the hospital?

But mizuki did't talk and drag me
The doctor: hi Amina shi how are you?

Me: fi fine .. wae what's wrong with me
Doctor: nothing nothing .. I just

need you to do cityscan and we will see
After I finished the doctor said: mmm
.. mizuki shi I it shows here that she return some of her memory ..
Mizuki: yes she remembered one of

her friends here in korea .. but there is one person that she can't remember

and that person is the most important person to her
Doctor: maybe she got shock by that

person .. she will remember him soon don't worry

( at 8 pm)

Me: how do I look mizuki?
Mizuki: so cute .. have fun and don't
be late bye
Me: komawoo ... bye
I saw V waiting outside .. he said:
wooow you look so cute and gorgeous

Me (blushing): thanks chingo you too
cutei .. so where we will go?
V (sadly): chi chingo ... mmm I won't
tell you
Me: hmm as you wish
We were listening to hold me tight

then we arrived to our destination

Me: waaah how did you know that I love

the beach so much ... oooh chingo you are so romantic ... tell me you love someone

V: ahhhh yes but she don't know yet
(he set near the sea)

I sat next to him and said: why you
didn't tell her .. she will love trust me you are a good boy^^

V: actually th the gi girl I love is
here right beside me
Me: here where where I want to see her
V: paboo .. paboo it's it's you
Amian ... I LOVE YOU
Me: wha what .....

This is the end of this part hope you like it ...


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