# 28 , i know you

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@beach ꒰28꒱

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@beach ꒰28꒱

after the whirlwind of the school festival, the student council found themselves in need of a well-deserved break.

the air was filled with a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment as they gathered in the council room, discussing the success of the event.

amidst the chatter, (name) couldn't help but notice cyno's distant expression, a clear sign that he was mentally elsewhere.

"hey, cyno, you seem a bit distant," (name) remarked, her concern evident in her voice.

cyno looked up from his thoughts, his gaze meeting (name)'s. "yeah, just thinking about some post-festival cleanup details."

she arched an eyebrow, not entirely convinced by his response. "cyno, you know you can't fool me with that. you've been working nonstop for weeks. you need a break."

he offered a small smile, attempting to brush off the notion. "i appreciate your concern, but there's still a lot to do."

(name) leaned in, her voice gentle yet firm. "cyno, the student council has been working tirelessly, and you're no exception. we all deserve a break, and i've got just the idea."

he raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "oh, do tell."

a mischievous glint appeared in (name)'s eyes. "how about a beach outing? a day to relax, unwind, and simply enjoy each other's company."

cyno's resistance was evident in his expression, but (name) was undeterred. she leaned even closer, her voice a soft whisper that held a hint of persuasion.

"come on, cyno, even leaders need to recharge. plus, i heard the beach has some pretty good ice cream shops."

cyno's facade wavered, his resolve weakening under her convincing argument. he let out a sigh, giving in to her persistence.

"fine, fine. but only for a little while."

(name)'s face lit up with triumph, and she playfully punched his arm. "that's the spirit! you won't regret it."


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𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 /cyno ( ✓ )Where stories live. Discover now