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(I don't know whether or not the elves have snow in the elven cities so lets say Tam took her to the human world, plus I've been having writers block so if you could send some requests, that would be great! Enjoy the story!)

It was your birthday today. Tam had stayed up all night to think of what to do for your birthday. He thought of everything, you could do for your birthday, but everything he thought of, the two of you already have done on your multiple dates.

Then he realized, he had known you had wanted to see snow, ever since Sophie had shown some images of snow to you. He smiled after thinking for a couple of hours. He knew exactly what to do. Tam sighed, once he realized what he needed and who he needed to ask for help.

He sighed and quietly climbed out of your shared bedroom and slowly climbed down the stairs, then crept out the front door, quietly shutting the front door. He looked at the window of the room you were in now and smiled before leaving.

He light-leaped to where Keefe was. Turns out Keefe was in Atlantis with a certain someone. Tam arrived and went to the shop they agreed to meet at. A few minutes later, Keefe arrived. Tam rolled his eyes and walked over to him.

"Hey, did you bring it?" Tam said, cutting to the chase. Keefe smirked, and held out the pathfinder that belonged to his father. It glinted dark blue, with mixes of crystal and light blue. 

"You mean this?" he asked. Tam nodded and took the pathfinder and turned to leave. Before leaving him, Keefe turned to Tam and asked:

"So can I ask you what you're planning to do with this?" he asked, his eyes full of curiosity and on the pathfinder. Tam scoffed and left, not before calling.

"None of your business." he called as he light-leaped back home to you. Keefe laughed and went back to Sophie. 

He knew it was something for Y/N so he allowed it without much of a fuss, he just wanted you to have a great time with Tam.

Meanwhile, you had just woken up, alone, and looked around for your shadow and moody boyfriend, only to find his side of the bed empty and cold. You slipped on your cover up robe and headed downstairs to look for Tam further. As soon as you stepped into the kitchen you were surprised that Tam had just arrived back home and ran through the front door, almost jump scaring you. He began apologizing for scaring and making you worried and helping you back upstairs to get properly dressed. 

Tam looked at the pathfinder before hiding it in his tunic pocket. He then proceeded to make you some mallowmelt and cinnacreme for breakfast and made a cozy cuddle area, with plenty of blankets and pillows. 

By the time you came down, Tam had everything planned and as soon the two of you were done cuddling and eating. He handed you a black jacket with a silver print of a dragon at the back. You recognized it as the jacket you had given him for his last birthday.

You shrugged it on and followed him and he brought out the pathfinder and light-leaped to the place. You had arrived at a beautiful pond area, but it was all white. Everything was covered in snow and ice and icicles were dripping off of every frozen tree. You gazed in amazement and hugged your boyfriend.

Your smile lit up his world and he was so happy to see you enjoy the snow. Until you grabbed a handful and hit him with a snowball. He glared and threw one right back, resulting in an epic snow battle between the two of you. Laughter filled the chill air as the two of you enjoyed your time together.

Soon, it was time to go, but your photographic memory would remember it all. The two of you quickly headed home and cleaned up. Tam had gone to return the pathfinder and he had come back quickly.

Tam smiled as he glanced at you, curled up in his arms while drinking a cup of cinnacreme. The two of you warmed each other up and Tam wished you a happy birthday and brought out a small cake he had made earlier when you got home, it was strawberry, your favorite. You smiled and made your wish. 

(You can choose your own flavor, comment what your favorite flavor is!)

Tam cut the cake and the two of you enjoyed your quiet evening with each other and cups of cinnacreme and a crackling fire in the background. Soon you fell asleep in Tam's arms and soon after he fell asleep as well. It was the best birthday you've ever had....

That was maybe the longest chapter I have written. Whew! But now it's done, I'm open to taking some requests so if you have any, just put them in the Request chapter of this book. 

Well, there's another chapter done, nice and fluffy. I'll try and post again soon. Thanks for 600+ reads on this book! Have a good day/night and enjoy reading! - Moonstar

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