7. The Daughters Of Lilith

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Allison grimaced as she turned the key on her mailbox and retrieved her stack of mail. She closed the small metal door and locked it back up. It was her second day with a cock between her legs and it wasn't getting any easier. She wore a red, pleated leather skirt along with a white top and leather jacket. It was one of the few articles of clothing she owned that would hide the obvious bulge. It was thirty six hours since discovering her big surprise. Time hadn't lessened the stressful impact of waking to find that her sexual makeup had changed.

She pressed the button for the elevator and waited for it to arrive. Frenzied thoughts spiraled through her mind for the ump-teeth time.

'What the fuck am I going to do???'

'How do I ever tell Jeff about this?'

'I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe...'

'What about the next time I go to the doctor?!?'



The doors opened. Allison shouldered her bag and stepped into the empty elevator. She pressed the button for her floor and leaned against the wall. She was staring straight ahead, but her mind was a million miles away.
Allison had already dodged intimacy with Jeffrey once last night. She'd resisted the urge to play with herself thus far, but her desire to was growing by the hour. She'd guzzled water, tea and coffee all day. No matter how much she drank, her thirst only seemed to grow.
'Is this what it's like to be a man? Constantly horny and thirsty? That explains a lot...'

Allison couldn't even begin to imagine what had happened to her. Not even after punching a hundred different variations of the phrases “sudden sex change”, “gender swap” and “female penis” into Google. She'd found a lot of pornographic cartoons and depraved role playing groups, but nothing that would help her unravel the mystery.

Not knowing wasn't even the worst part. She was a reporter and this was a huge story that she couldn't write about. Oh sure, she could break the news, but what would she say? 'This just in! Woman awakens to find penis where vagina used to be!' And that would be it. There were no other details to include other than her impressive size. She could take a picture to prove it, but no newspaper would publish that.

And even if she did, then what? There would be a million questions she had no answers to. Her name would spread and an army of creepy guys would start seeking her out. Perhaps some shadowy branch of the government or unscrupulous biotech corporation would pay her a visit, stick her in a glass jar and study her.

No. Fuck all of that. She had to keep it under wraps for now, at least to most people. She'd have to tell Jeff eventually, but how?
Allison stepped out of the elevator and headed for her apartment. As she walked down the hallway, she began thumbing through her mail.

'Junk. Junk. Bill. Junk. Whoa... what's this?'

It was a simple, plain white envelope with no return address. Next to Allison's name and address was a red stamp that read “URGENT!”
'Hot tip for a story? Well, it'd be nice to get my mind on something else...'

She tore it open and removed the single folded piece of paper contained within. She opened the page and the first line of words made her heart skip a beat.


People who undergo certain changes can experience extreme thirst...”

Allison gasped. Her blood pressure rose and her heart pounded in her chest. She re-folded the paper and raced to her front door. She pulled her keys from her pocket, unlocked it and proceeded in. She shut the door and locked it behind her in record time.

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