Urban Messiah

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Disrespected and neglected people living in rigid settings, corrupted by material gain, prices for merchandise are raised high to spike an interest, the industry gains leverage from lesser minds set on false blessings, nike socks, necklaces, sweaters and chains used to replace the pain that lyes deep in their soul a lust for gold and silver grows in their hearts, a sliver of passion isn't distributed amongst the youth,

money replaces love because other distractions cause us to lose faith in humanity, conflicts demolish the homes of the innocent killing the hope of people different opinions clash put in a position of picking the side you support,

wars cause casualties and theres no room for neutrality, peace is the least important thing in the conscious of our leaders, we elect presidents and expect a change that doesn't take place in the present day, they take religion out of the school system kicking god out of the lives of children they make poor
decisions and grow up wicked, groups of kids shoot in hopes of obtaining revenue, ammunition pierces the walls of churches murder covers the streets of the earth, racism on an every day basis wasting lives facing life, crazy times we live and die.

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