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we just sat there, he was crying and screaming in my arms and I had no idea what to do. After a while he calmed down a little and just stayed in my arms, crying silently. We stayed like this for a while, until he jumped and started panicking again.
"I have to go to the hospital" he told me

I then realized his sister was also in the accident. I took his arm and we ran to the hospital. Luckily for us, it wasn't that far away from the school. Jisung immediately ran to the doctor and asked them in a hurry:
"Where is patient called Han Ari?"

"I'm sorry, but the only one who we can give information about patient is the family"

"I'm her brother, Han jisung." he told to the doctor

then he had to prove he was actually her brother. After that, he finally took him to Ari's room.

"Wait, who is he?" The doctor asked pointing at me

"He's my friend, my sister knows him too." jisung told him

The doctor nodded and started to talk about her condition. He told us her leg was broken and that she had internal bleeding when they found her, which they stopped after they operated her. She was now sleeping. He told us she should be awake in like a less then a hour

( I'm sorry if what I just said was a nonsense, I'm not a doctor, I don't know how this works😭 )

"But we don't have any legal guardian now, since your mother-" doctor started but jisung interrupted him

"I'm over 18, you can put me there as her legal guardian."

"okay." The doctor said, bowed and went away.


I went to her room. She had a few scratches on her face. I then realized that I have to take care of her now, we don't have anyone, but each other. I have no idea how I feel right now. I just took her hand.

"I'm sorry..." was the only thing I could say and then I broke down, sobbing. Minho started rubbing my back, which he didn't know, but it was helping me a lot.
An hour passed and I was getting really nervous.
"What if she won't wake up?" I thought to myself. That idea got me so nervous and I started shaking my leg. I was panicking inside. Then I felt a hand on my leg. It was Minho's hand. It stopped my leg from moving
Another fifteen minutes passed and Minho got a phone call. He went to another room and returned like minute later.

"Who called you?" I asked
"Just my sister."

"Oh, what did she say?"
"She told me to come home, but I'm not leaving you alone here."

"Hey, it's okay. You go." I told him with reassuring tone in my voice, to really tell him I'm okay.

He looked like he didn't want to leave me, but he also knew he had to go home right now. He then hugged me, which was kind of awkward and left.

I then called Felix. He also knew Ari, cuz he was at my house a few times already in the first week of school. I thought about telling him this, so he can get all my work in school and give it to me. I'm not leaving Ari's side until she's released from the hospital.
When I told him what happened, he insisted about coming to the hospital too. I refused, telling him I'm okay and she will definitely be okay too, but after a while, I just agreed. I knew he will not retreat.
He turned out as fast as he could and just as he was sitting down in the chair Minho previously sat, I felt my hand move. I didn't let go of Ari's hand in the time i was here. When I looked at her, she was looking at me too. I immediately hugged her and started crying. I was so happy she was awake and she was okay.
She looked around and then she putted two and two together. She knew she was in a car accident, but she didn't know our mom did not make it.

"Where is mommy?" She asked me. Even tho I knew this question was coming, I had no idea what to say to her. Tear left my eye and I looked down, that gave her the answers. She started crying and screaming
"I want my mommy!"
I hugged her as tight as I could.
"It's okay, I'm here." I told her as she was crying and I lay down next to her, embracing her.

When she calmed down a little, she started talking with Felix. He really lighted up her mood.
It was 16:30 pm by now. Then she looked at me and asked me:
"Is Minho coming to see me too?"
Felix looked at me super confused, like in a "is she talking about the Minho I think she's talking about" way.
"I don't think he has the time peanut."

"Can you just call him please?"
She really started begging me, so what could I do?
I walked out of the room and called Minho, also secretly hoping he will come.


It was 15:54 right now and all I thought about was if Ari woke up. I looked at my phone, ready to call Jisung, but i didn't have the courage too. I was fighting like this for a long time. I was worried about Ari and about Jisung.
"What if he panicked and no one was there to help him?" I thought.
I had no idea what to do and it was driving me crazy. It was more then a hour since my fight began. And then, my phone rang. It was jisung.
I was worried, what if he called me to tell me that she didn't woke up?
I picked up and I said:

"Hi Minho. Well, I have two things I want to tell you."

"Okay, speak."
"Well, Ari woke up and she is okay."

I sighed in relief

"That's amazing, I'm glad she's okay."
"Now there is the second thing. She told me she wanted to see you. I told her you would be probably busy but she didn't budge. So, if you have time of course, do you want to come? She really wants to see you, also she wants to tell you about the girl who is trying to steal the boy she likes."

"Oh now I have to come. I need to know how it turned out." I told him while laughing. He laughed too and hanged up.

I told my sister I'm visiting a friend and ran to the hospital. I arrived and I heard Ari screaming with happiness:
"Minho hyung!" 

I came to the room. I saw Felix there and we both exchanged confused and annoyed look. Then I sat on the free chair, where jisung previously sat. Now he was laying next to Ari. She then started telling me about the girl.
"I talked with her. She told me she likes him too and that I don't own him. I got really mad and wanted to punch her, like you told me, but then I realized oppa will probably be really mad at me, so when she wasn't looking, I secretly spat inside her food."

She looked proud and I was proud of her
"YAAS GO GIRL!" I told her and we high-fived
Jisung looked shocked.
"You really have a bad influence on my sister."
He told jokingly.
But Felix looked serious.
"Ari, that wasn't really nice."

"Let's be real Felix, what if someone was trying to steal someone you like? Would you just let that be? Like imagine if I was trying to steal "youknowwho" from you." Jisung said and Felix then looked offended at him

"He's right. I would do something much worse."
I told Felix. He looked kind of annoyed and mad.

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