Reilly's Trick and Treat

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As soon as Reilly had landed in the Wild Irish Rose field, he looked through his books for a good spell to use, since he wanted to both halt Katie's plans and show how much he wanted to help. Seeing how childlike Katie was, he decided to make the flowers look so lovely that she would want to pick them, all while their aroma would cause her to fall asleep. Thanks to having a special crystal ball in his trailer, he was able to see how Katie was advancing in her journey, along with her new friends Shane, Tómas, and Liam. Reilly was delighted to see how the others were drawn to Katie's curiosity and childlike wonder, and he couldn't help but wonder if he was drawn to her in the same way. Of course, he was known to be evil and she was on neutral ground between good and evil, but her sweetness made him smile in a way he rarely did before.

Just as his cheeks were starting to hurt from the smile growing across his face, that's when he remembered the sleeping spell, so he found the right enchantment and cast it on the flowers. After watching the roses brighten in hue, Reilly smiled and sat back to watch the action unfold, and that was when the traveling party was just exiting the forest. With the flower field being the only thing between them and the Clover City, Katie started worrying if the flowers had any powers like the poppies in Oz, and she had to do something. Quickly thinking, Katie handed Liam a handkerchief before helping him hold it over his nose and mouth, all while Shane held Alfie in his arms with his hand covering Alfie's muzzle. With Tómas standing behind Shane to keep him from falling, the four of them started making their way through the field, and they were mostly there when Katie decided to pick some of the roses.

Though her behavior was very innocent, her actions were enough for the flowers' powers to start attacking her, and she had a small handful of flowers when she realized that she was trailing behind her friends. With that, she got up before starting to run after the three of them, but she was only a few steps behind when she felt her energy being ebbed away. As her tiredness grew enough to let out a yawn, she started feeling a little drowsy and decided to stop again, dropping to the ground. Even though she tried to get herself back up, she quickly succumbed to the sleeping spell and passed out amongst the flowers, all while her friends panicked when they saw her go down.

Since this was the moment he was waiting for, Reilly threw on his protective robe before exiting his wagon, locating the exact area that Katie was in. While the other three looked on in confusion and wondered where he came from, Reilly gracefully landed beside Katie before picking her up and carrying her out of the field. As he was giving her a little twirl, Reilly's smile grew when he saw Katie's eyes flutter open, and he chuckled as she looked at him in confusion before he carried her to safety. She had no clue that she was floating around with the same man she was warned about, but her mind was too clouded by the flowers' powers to even think straight, so she simply smiled at Reilly with a dazed gleam in her eyes. The other three were still puzzled as they watched Reilly set Katie onto the grass close to the Clover City, and he gently rubbed her hand before disappearing to his trailer, leaving a bewildered Katie.

"Wha...who was that?"

Katie asked as she looked around, trying to remember where she was, and she smiled when she saw her friends and dog coming to check on her. As soon as Tómas and Liam had helped her back onto her feet, she hugged all her friends before Shane handed Alfie to her. After making sure that all three of her new friends were alright, Katie saw how close they were to the Clover City before they linked arms and skipped to the door, all while Reilly watched from his trailer with a smile. He was glad that he helped Katie get closer to the Clover City, and he hoped that he would be able to convince her to join him on a journey back home.

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