Birth of The Demon Lord

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Alright so this is an idea i did have but i couldn't think of a way to make it into a full story hope you all enjoy

--- Start ---

The scene opens to a black void with purple threads just floating around, each thread has a name written on it as the threads just float around until something new formed as a few threads slam into one another they started wrapping and twisting into one another and as more slam into one another and get stuck it starts to change shape, twisting into the shape of an arm, and once the arm was fully formed another one formed but mirroring the first, and as the arms floated appart and formed a torso, followed by forming legs and finally a head

You see, each of these threads can be called many things but a good matching word is fears, and as these fears build over time and grow, so does the humanoid shape, as these fears/threads keep on clashing and forming after a time it will come true

The humanoid shape begins to slowly move, not much but a twitch and in a void where nothing can live, something new has been made

After a while 'It' moves the arm that first fromed and holds it up, as the threads above 'It' begin to move in a circle motion and as it builds up speed 'It' begins to float to the threads, as it's other arm begins to move, as it holds up 'It's' other hand the threads change color from purple to a rainbow of colores and as 'It's' body touches the rainbow threads 'It' gets pulled into it as everything goes white

[ 'It's' Pov ]

"Where am I" a weak and soft voice asks as I slowly lean my head back as I feel a soft warm feeling as I open my eyes to see a purple lines with bits of yellow shining through

'What is that warm feeling' I think as I move my right hand to my face and grab the threads on my face before pulling my arm away and ripping the threads off my face to see a yallow dot in a blue sky, I look down and see tall things made of the color green and brown

As i let go of the purple threads and begin walking twords the colores not looking back as i can feel a soft smile form on my face

[ No Pov ]

As the young being begins walking into a forest the threads he dropped begin to shin as a purple energy starts to come off the threads as the energy wraps around the threads as four limbs shoot out the bottom of the threads, as darkness covers the limbs and slowly as the darkness sinks into where the threads where we see a creature with a human torso, with two arms and legs that are covered in silver fut, with sharp black claw on the end of each finger and toe, there body shows to have both sexual parts of a man and woman, with all exposed to the weather, her chest is decent sized (c cup) her crotch exposing her arm length, as the darkness sinks into the head it has a feminine face, long silver hair that reaches down to her lower back, and two wold ears on top of her head and as she opens her eyes it reveals them being yellow in color

[Back over with 'It']

We see a humanoid figure covered in purple thread from neck down, with a feminine face exposed, with long (h/c) hair reaching there lower back with coming out the side of there hair and running around to the front of there face and going up leaving a gap between them as they stop on his forehead making it almost look like a crown, as there (e/c) eyes look forward with wonder and a soft smile on there face as he looks at all the trees wondering what they are

As up ahead he can hear some noise so he heads to it, when he gets there and looks at what's infront of them he sees two men covered in a shiny metal, with something hanging on there hips and with one of them holding what looks feminine against a tree with most her flesh being exposed with cloth covering little

[Soldier #1 Pov]

"We have you, now it's time to have some fun" I say as i reach out for her but stop as i hear a voice

"Who the fuck is that" my teammate says as I look at him to see him pointing his sword tword someone wrapped in purple thread and have a cute face

"I don't know but catch her, we can sell them both for more money, and have a little more fun" I say as grab both the girls arms and pin them above her head

"Run" the girl yells out as i quickly cover her mouth with my left hand as I look back to see the other one standing there not moving and having a smile

"Alright girly, on your knees and you won't have to die" my teammate says as he goes to grab the other girl by the hair only for him to fall to the ground and holding his hand infront of him as the 'woman' had blood dripping from the right purple hand

"Hey you ok" I ask as I feel the girl to struggle in my hands as I sigh and pull out my sword and press the blade up to her legs

[ 'It's' Pov ]

I tilt my head to the side as I hear people making noise as I look at the one infront of my as I look at there arm before looking down at my right hand to see black nails sticking through the threads with a red liquid running down and dripping to the ground

I rase my hand to my mouth and lick the red liquid before spitting it out on the guy infront of him with a look of hate on his face as he looks at the down man, and with one swing of his right hand, his nails slicing through the targets throat making blood shoor out as he falls down the red liquid coming out there neck holes as he looks at the guy still making noise and as he walks up behind the guy with one motion I pull my arm back and slash the back of there neck making them fall to there knees, as the woman looks on in fear as I tilt my head to the side and the first proper thoughts running through his head is 'what is this thing' as he looks at the woman as blood drips down from his right hand

--- end part ---

Ok, so I know I haven't uploaded anything and I have finally found a spark, you all let me know, how was it, it wasn't lewd but it was a good start and could go for a story at some point in the future

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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