Chapter 1

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Despite the festive atmosphere, Ethan was far from enjoying himself at the party. The sweltering heat, deafening noise, and the invasion of his personal space made him regret stepping foot into this wretched house. Adding to his discomfort, he was clad in a suffocating cardboard knight costume. Nevertheless, Ethan maintained a smile on his face, pretending as if none of these inconveniences existed, all while standing beside his roommate, Chad.

He had no intention of attending this ridiculous Halloween party initially, but every time he attempted to escape, Quinn or Chad would intercept him, urging him to "let loose" and "embrace life to the fullest." Eventually, he succumbed to their persuasion. Fortunately, having Chad by his side slightly improved the situation, although he still couldn't say he was truly having a good time. (At least he hadn't tried to slip away yet tho)

Ethan's heart skipped a beat as Chad's arm smoothly wrapped around his shoulder, drawing him closer into his embrace. Chad's face displayed a hint of worry, adding a touch of tenderness to the moment.

"Ethan!" Chad called out, his voice filled with concern. "Are you even hearing me? It seems like you've drifted away for a moment. Are you alright?"

" yes! I'm sorry I can't really hear you properly over the music so the conversation probably just slipped away from me!"Ethan replied, increasing his volume to ensure he was audible amidst the noise.

Chad stifled a soft laugh as he gently pulled Ethan closer. Lord If only Chad could witness the expression on Ethan's face at this moment, he knew he would never hear the end of it.

"Come on dude! Don't be shy, you'll have to move in closer if you wanna hear me! you know, to make sure the conversation doesn't slip away from you again" you could practically hear the smirk in chads voice as he spoke.

Ethan nodded in agreement as Chad spoke, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I suppose you're right," he chuckled. "But hey, sorry about that. I kind of zoned out for a moment there. What were you saying again?"

"Oh right, I was asking if you maybe wanted to find some girls here tonight? I mean you look great! Your practically an entire sna- no a full course meal on your own!" Chad exclaimed loudly.

Ethan's voice was barely a whisper as he questioned, "really?" His smile faded a bit as he contemplated the idea of Chad attempting to set him up with someone else.

"Yeah man! Your Ethan Landry, tho if you don't wanna that's fine too! I wouldn't mind keeping you company all night!"

Ethan's eyes widened a little, but his smile grew even bigger when he heard Chad's words. Just as Ethan was about to say something, Anika approached them.

"Hey big guy! You're needed." Anika said while patting chads shoulder and leading him towards the stairs.

Anika guided them towards the staircase, where a visibly intoxicated Tara was being dragged by an unfamiliar man. Ethan couldn't comprehend the conversation between Chad and the mysterious man, but it was evident that it had escalated into a confrontation. Suddenly, Sam appeared out of nowhere and swiftly incapacitated the man by using a taser on his balls. (Ouch😓)

The chaos erupted and spilled onto the streets as Sam and Tara engaged in a heated dispute. Something about Sam letting tara go but Ethan was lost at this point, he couldn't be bothered and simply longed to retreat to the safety of the apartments.

As someone's diet cherry coke drenched Sam, everyone decided it would be best to just go home. When the group triumphantly arrived at the apartment, most of them settled on the couch except Tara who, disregarding Sam's protests, swiftly retreated to her room the moment she stepped inside.

Ethan and Chad were seated next to each other, facing Anika and Mindy. Out of the corner of his eye, Ethan caught a glimpse of Quinn making his way towards Tara's room, likely to provide some much-needed support.

Chad's arm draped heavily over Ethan's shoulder, just as it had done during the wild party moments ago.

Ethan always found solace in the small gestures of kindness from Chad. Growing up, Ethan's family lacked affection, but Quinn, his older sister, was always there to shield him from their older brother Richie's constant torment, as her mostly target Ethan. Since their mother's passing, Quinn became Ethan's go-to person for support, as their father Wayne showed no interest in his well-being, only favoring Richie, who was the epitome of perfection in his eyes.

Ethan often suspects that Richie derives pleasure from tormenting him, fully aware that he can escape any consequences. Richie's sadistic tendencies involve subjecting Ethan to the horrors of stab movies, only to then startle him by donning the ridiculous ghost-face costume. Ethan was constantly traumatized by Richie's relentless pursuit of new ways to inflict fear upon him. Thankfully, Quinn consistently intervenes before the situation spirals out of control, despite Richie's feeble protests that he never intended to harm Ethan.

As they all got older, Richie's "harmless pranks" turned into well, harmful pranks.

One time, Richie dared to recreate the haunting opening scene of stab 1, with Ethan playing the role of Casey Becker. As Ethan answered the call and heard the sinister voice, he instantly realized Richie's twisted game. The horrifying ordeal ended with Ethan collapsing on the floor, tears streaming down his face, clutching his bleeding leg. Richie feeble attempted to justify his actions, claiming it was an accident, a mere slip. While it was indeed true that Richie had slipped, he could have easily spared Ethan's leg from the torment.

Ethan getting hurt was finally what made Wayne tell Richie to ease back on the pranks, great parenting right?

A few months later, Richie embarked on a journey to Woodsboro alongside his girlfriend, Sam. (How he managed to snag a girlfriend remains a mystery to Ethan.) When Richie failed to come back, Ethan didn't pay much attention,as Richie was an adult. However, what truly caught his attention was the shocking revelation that Richie had become a merciless killer. Well, perhaps Ethan shouldn't have been too surprised, considering Richie's peculiar behavior during their upbringing.

Ethan struggled to muster any genuine sadness over Richie's death, despite his best efforts. It was as if a cold, emotionless void had consumed his heart, setting him apart from Quinn and his father, who were engulfed in sorrow.

The news spreads like wildfire these days, so I'm sure you can imagine what unfolded next. The eerie whispers that follow you as you stroll through corridors or streets are far from enjoyable, but what truly devastated Ethan was the loss of all his friends and Quinn's sudden detachment. He didn't press Quinn for explanations, for discovering that your own brother is a killer, and also a victim of murder, can take a heavy toll.

When Quinn suggested applying to Blackmore university with her he didn't think much of it and got in, while Their father transferred to the NYPD.

Ethan couldn't contain his relief when Wayne gave him the green light to change his last name. In a heartfelt tribute to his mother, he settled on 'Landry', while Bailey became the choice for Quinn and Wayne.

Moving into his new dorm, Ethan couldn't help but feel a sense of optimism. He was grateful that Quinn, who lived nearby, had taken care of all the paperwork for him. Although he couldn't quite understand why she was so insistent on doing it, he shrugged it off and decided to go with the flow.

Ethan was completely taken aback when he discovered that his roommate was one of the victims of his brother in Woodsboro. This meant that the entire group of friends from there would now be a part of his life. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. However, determined to start anew, Ethan made a conscious decision to leave the past behind and move forward.

And somehow through all this chaos he still managed to develop a massive crush on chad......lucky him!

HIII! I know I've posted this already but I re wrote parts of it! I also want to try finish this story along with my other one called "hell on earth" (you should totally go read it) but I'm so sorry if updates are slow! I do try I promise.

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