Chapter 2

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Chad gently called out to Ethan, "Hey, Ethan! You've been lost in your thoughts quite often lately. Everything alright?" His soft words snapped Ethan back to reality.

Ethan replied with a slight smile,
"Sorry!, I'm alright, just a bit tired from tonight, that's all. No need to worry."  
Chad responded, maintaining his concerned gaze,
"If there's anything bothering you, you can always talk to me, you know?"  Ethan chuckled and playfully held Chad's hand, "yeah yeah I know. You never miss an opportunity to remind me."

Sam approached them, breaking the comfortable silence, shaking a bottle of painkillers. "Hey Chad, could you give these to Tara? She's pissed at me right now," Sam said, tossing the pill bottle gently towards him.

"Ok- yeah sure" Chad replied, catching the pill bottle and nodding.

"Great thanks, I'm gonna go get some fresh air" Sam said, already making her way through the front door.

"I'll be right back Ethan, try not to miss me too much while I'm gone" chad then stood up, sending a wink towards Ethan before making his way down the hall towards Tara's room. With flushed cheeks (even more than they where before) Ethan watched Chad walk away.

"Soooo, you two made out yet?" Anika questioned suddenly, making Ethan jump slightly since he had forgotten they where still there. Ethan's cheeks had definitely reddened (but this time with embarrassment😓)

"W-what? What do you mean!..." Ethan quickly stuttered out, laughing nervously.

"You know what, I'm curious too. Have you and my brother made out yet?" Mindy then asked, only adding onto Ethan's embarrassment.

To Ethan's relief, Chad and Quinn had came back before he had to answer. Chad returned to his spot next to Ethan.

Mindy suddenly sat up, turning the volume to the tv up. Ethan followed her eyes to see what she was so interested in. It was the news.

A Ghost face killing.

"Holy shit.." Chad whispered, his eyes widening as the news goes on.

Ethan felt like he was back in his childhood. He felt himself freeze up, and could feel his breathing picking up rapidly.

He could hear someone calling Sam back into the apartment, Chad maybe? Ethan didn't know, but that was the least of his concerns right now. Memories he thought where long gone started to arise. It was suffocating.

He was brought out of his haze by Sam's phone ringing. Chad took Ethan's hand like how Ethan took his not long before and gave it a gentle squeeze, Ethan tensed again for a moment before realise who the hand belonged too.

"Quinn! Your dad is a police officer, right? Can you call him!?" Tara asked, turning to face Quinn.

"Yeah! callling him now" Quinn replied, pulling her phone out quickly.

Chad took his hand out of Ethan's and places it around his shoulder instead, slightly pulling him closer.

Quinn sighed, running her hands though her hair. She stood up from the couch and made her way across the room towards Tara and Sam.

"My dad wants to talk to you, Sam.." Quinn said, handing Sam her phone.

Ethan doesn't know what words where exchanged on the call but the next thing he knew, Sam and Tara where out the door.

Chad stood up and motioned for Ethan to follow him, so he did.

Chad led Ethan to the guest bedroom of the apartment, most likely where they where staying for the night.

"I can take the floor if you'd like?" Chad asked, trying to make sure Ethan felt as comfortable as possible.

"No it's ok, I'd actually rather have you next to me. It makes me feel somewhat safer knowing I'm not alone." Ethan replied in full honesty.

Chad got in first and lifted up the blanket, welcoming Ethan to lay down. Once Ethan laid down he felt chads arm snake around his waist.

"Are you sure you're ok Ethan?" Chad asked quietly while Ethan sighed.

"Im...fine, really all this ghost face stuff is just kind of freaking me out I guess"

"Remind you of Richie right?" Chad asked, causing Ethan's whole body to tense up.

"What...?" Ethan asked, slowly Turing his head to face Chad.

"I said it reminds me of woodsboro" oh. Was Ethan really that paranoid that he's starting to hear things?

"Oh...right of course, I guess I should ask if your ok then, I mean this is probably a lot for you" Ethan felt bad for Chad, about what his brother made him and his friends go through. None of them deserved it, they didn't do anything wrong. The only wrong thing they ever did was place their trust in the hands of Richie Kirsch.

"Yeah I'm fine man, i plan on surviving And I imagine everyone else is too!" Chad replied, a toothy grin plastered across his face. Being overly positive is probably chads way of not completely freaking out.

The two boys then fell into comfortable silence, eventually falling asleep in each others arm

"Chad?...CHAD?" Ethan called out, praying for an answer. He was running through what he thought where never ending halls, searching everywhere for any sigh of his roommate. All he could hear was the sound of his calls and feet slamming down on the floor. That was until he heard a scream. Chads scream.

Ethan followed where he thought it was coming from, tears already streaming down his face.

Down one of the many halls, Ethan spotted a blood trail. There's no words that could explain Ethan's fear as he started to follow the trail.

Finally, he came across a door. Ethan hesitate but then thought about Chad, what if he's behind that door? What if he needs my help? What if he's dead? The last one didn't help wanting to open the door but the 1st 2 did the trick.

He was right. It was Chad, but he wasn't alone.

Ghost face.

Standing over Chad was none other than ghost face. Fresh blood dripping off his knife as he looked Ethan dead I'm the eye.

As Ethan's eyes trailed down to Chad, he realised who the blood belonged too. Ethan wanted to shout, he wanted to run over there, but he couldn't. It was like he was locked in place.

Ghost face then stepped over chads body, only moving a little closer to Ethan. Their blood stained gloves coming up to their mask.

The mask moved up more and more until-

Ethan's eyes shot open, he was drenched in sweat. Another nightmare, just like every other night. This wasn't uncommon for Ethan, it was kind of like a nightly routine. Go to sleep, have a nightmare, wake up from said nightmare and then go back to sleep. Well the last one wasn't set in stone, he couldn't always go back to sleep.

Ethan didn't feel as scared tonight tho, the arms around him making him feel secure. He knew the person he loved wasn't dead, they where right here with him. They where still in his reach, and Ethan would like to keep it that way.

Hi again! Incase you care, anika and Mindy took the couch!

I LOOK TO YOU AND I SEE NOTHING. chethanWhere stories live. Discover now