My Horny Teacher Pt2

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I got home and saw my mom standing there cooking.

"Hey mom, I just got done finishing work"

"Sounds great honey just go upstairs I'm making dinner'"

I went upstairs and texted the number Mr. Davis gave me.

- Hello, is this Mr. Davis ?

- Yes, and you must be ?

- Brooke

- Oh yeah, your staying after school to finish our business right ?

- Of course, I'm going to see you later.

-Bye .

After I ate and cleaned up I went to sleep.

The next day I wore the tiniest skirt and top I could find and wore it to school.

I got in trouble but I didn't care, I waited until the bell rang so I could go to Mr. Davis class.

I waited for everyone to leave so I can walk up to Mr. Davis.

When everyone left I came up to Mr. Davis.

"Hello Mr. Davis "

"Hello Brooke, can you tell your mother your staying at a friend's for the night for a project.

I called my mom and told her and she agreed.

When I got to Mr. Davis place he immediately carried me to the bedroom.

He laid me on the bed and took my clothes off and started to devoure my pussy.

Mr. Davis put his head in between my legs and started to suck and nibble on my clit continously as I moaned loudly.

He shushed me and shoved his tounge deep inside me as I whimpered.

"I told you to be quiet right? He said through his grunts.

I couldn't help but moan louder as he thrusted his tounge in and out of me.

I looked down and saw him kissing my inner thighs as he went back to kissing my clit harshly.

Without any warning I came on his lips and tounge, watching him lick and suck every last bit of it before looking at me.

"Since you decided to not warn me for the second time you'll have a bigger punishment" while he smirked.

He started to undress himself when he got to his boxers he paused.

"Are you sure you want this?"


As I said yes he pulled his boxers off.

"He was so big" I thought to myself.

He went slowly inside of me while slapping my ass hard making it red.

I was getting stretched and I loved it.

He went faster as I moaned he then came inside of me filling me up with his cum.

I went on my knees and gave him head as he whimpered my name.

After five minutes he finally came in my mouth.

As I swallowed it we heard a knock at the door so we got dressed quickly before his wife came in the room.

"What is a little girl doing in here, and most importantly the bedroom ?

"She was here for extra help with homework " he lied

His wife just struggled and went to take a shower.

Mr. Davis pulled me downstairs and kissed me on the lips.

"We could always finish this as we please"

He winked before shutting the door and I left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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