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The crisp September air is a welcomed change from the sweltering heat of the summer. If there's one thing I can't stand, it's being overly warm.

I always look forward to these cooler months. There's something very comforting about Autumn at Hogwarts.

Sitting by the fire with some pumpkin juice. Reading under the trees as the leaves change colours and fall to the cool ground. Strolling the streets of Hogsmeade whilst sipping on warm Butterbeer with friends.

Everything about it makes my heart sing.

Even now, in my fifth year, I still feel so astonished by it all.

As I lay on my blanket along the edge of the Black Lake, I allow myself a moment to take in the beauty that surrounds me.

I love my parents and my house, but there really is no place like Hogwarts. You can't help but feel at home here.

"Hey." I open my eyes to see Fred standing over me. "Got room for me down there?"

I nod, scooting over slightly to give him a bit more space. "Hi, Freddie."

"Brought you a present," he says, sitting with his legs sprawled out in front of him. "Figured you needed some refreshment."

He hands me a bottle of pumpkin juice. "You are an angel. This is why you're my favourite twin."

"I'm telling George you said that. Can I get it in writing, actually?"

"No." I opened the bottle and took a long sip, savouring the flavour. "Want some?"

He nods, taking the bottle from me and drinking some.

I close my eyes again and the two of us sit in silence for a while. That's something I love about Fred. I can just exist with him. I can turn my brain off and just be—I feel very at ease with him.

After a while, I open my eyes and see that Fred's working on some homework.

"Have a good nap, did you?" He asks, smiling.

"I wasn't napping, I was resting my eyes."

"Yeah, okay." He laughs. "I tried to talk to you earlier, you were out cold."

"I was tired! How long was I asleep for, then? What time is it?" I look around and the sky has gotten a bit darker, the sun's not quite set yet but it's not far off.

"Half 7, I think," he says. "You hungry? We still have some time before supper ends."

"A bit, yeah." Fred stands, holding out his hand to pull me up. Once we're both stood, we start to pick up our things and head inside.

There aren't very many people left in the Great Hall, most students having eaten earlier. Still, the tables aren't completely empty.

Fred and I pick a spot by Ron, Harry, and Hermione, who appear to be deep in conversation.

Ron smiles when he notices us and their conversation comes to a halt. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Munchkin." I press a quick kiss to Ron's cheek, purposefully messing his hair up a bit in the process. "What's going on?"

Pumpkin Juice | Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now