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EVERYONE SAT IN DIFFERENT PARTS of the room in silence, growling of the zombies was heard outside the school and the classroom the students were all in.

suddenly a voice came over the intercom, "students and teachers of hyosan high school. i'm park sun-hwa, the english teacher." ms park said.

"something strange is happening throughout the school. some students are attacking others indiscriminately. so please flee and find a safe place." she said, her voice shaking.

"and if any student or faculty hears this and is able to, please call the police and the fire department. students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. if you can get out of the school, please get out. i'll say it again. some students are..."

ms. park sniffled, "hey, everyone... you're okay, right? you're not hurt?" she said.

sumin looked down at her knees, bloody with blood that wasn't even hers.

she started to cry, tears rolling down her face. and even worse, nobody knew were suhyeok was, and sumin didn't want him to die.

"ew, why do i care?" she whispered to herself, still crying.

"i don't know what's going on in here or how this whole thing happened, but... still, find a safe place and hide."

"i... i'm sorry... i can't help. don't get hurt, okay? please, let's stay alive and meet again. okay?"

the intercom went off, and everyone continued to sit in silence, some of them crying and anifflings.

gyeongsu walked over to sumin, sitting next to her on the ground.

"i miss mom and dad, i wish i had given them an extra hug before we left for school." gyeongsu said.

"i wish i told them i love them more than twice. i hope they're okay." sumin said crying.

"me too." gyeongsu said sniffling. "at least...we have each other. that's all that matters." he said holding sumin's hand.

"you're right. i don't know what i would do without you." sumin said.

suddenly onjo ended the silence in the room saying, "i-sak. what's wrong? are you..."

"really. i wasn't bitten." i-sak responded. everyone became aware, looking at the two girls at the window.

"i mean it. i really wasn't bitten." she yelled.

"she was bitten." wu-jin whispered to dae-su. "what's going on? did you get bitten?" nayeon siad getting up.

"i said i wasn't!" isak said running to the mirror.

she had blood running down her nose, something that happened right before someone became a zombie.

"hey. are you okay?" gyeong-su said getting up and walking over to her.

"on-jo." i-sak said. "i-sak." on-jo said back, and they walked towards each other.

"no, right? i'm not, right?" i-sak said. on-jo stared at her, and pulled her friend in for a hug, knowinf the truth.

"i'm not. i'm not one of them." i-aak said. "what are you doing? get her out of here right now!" nayeon yelled as the two hugged.

"shit. they're going to climb over." daesu said climbing onto the table to block out the snarling zombies.

"no. come on. i said i'm okay." i-sak said, and everyone backed away and held onto the doors and windows.

cheongsan walked over, pulling onjo from i-sak. "on-jo."

she dropped to the ground, and on-jo reached for her as cheongsan pulled her back. "let go!"

i-sak's bones began to crunch, and she started to transform. "hurry up! do something! throw her out the window!" nayeon yelled.

"no. let go." on-jo said as cheongsan held her. "hurry! she's turning into a zombie!" nayeon yelled.

"no shit!" sumin said, annoyed by the girl's yells. "i-sak, please don't."

i-sak stood back up, her bones crackling and she turned around to face on-jo and cheongsan.

"i-sak. i-sak, don't do this."

i-sak lunged at them both, and cheongsan let go of on-jo, picking up a chair and hitting i-sak.

"stop it! stop it, please!" on-jo screamed. "cheong-san!"

i-sak ran towards on-jo, and cheong-san ran forward, pushing her, and she flew out the window but grabbing onto the end of it.

she almost let go and fell, and then on-jo grabbed her.

cheong-san went over, grabbed onto on-jo's arm trying to make her let go.

"are you crazy? let go." he said.


"you have to let go!"

cheong-san reached bakx inside, grabbing a chair and hitting i-sak's arm repeatedly until she fell.

everyone was quiet again, seeing as on-jo's best friend just died.

she dropped down, sobbing as she sat. sumin stayed in the corner, scared to move.

jimin went to go and comfort on-jo, everyone not knowing what to do anymore.

𝐏𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ,, lee su hyeokWhere stories live. Discover now