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The alarms went off way too early for Grace's liking, making her smack her phone until the shrill cry of the alarm stopped. She didn't know which one she'd hit but she was banking on the snooze and hoping that it would wake her up in 10 minutes or so. The race didn't start until 12:30, leaving her plenty of time to get up and make breakfast at 9, get ready, and head to the care center by 12. She rolled over to an empty bed and chuckled slightly, knowing her husband was probably binging some show, and fell asleep on the couch but she was too lazy to check at that moment.

When the alarm went off again, she snoozed it 2 more times before she finally got up and headed out to the living room where Alex was indeed sleeping.

"Alex wake up," she chuckled, shaking him awake before she went to make coffee. "You want any?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, rolling over again while she just rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you go to bed for a little bit?" She chuckled, "You're gonna mess your back up,"

"I'm comfy,"

"Yeah. Yeah," she chuckled, waiting until the Keurig finished making her cup of coffee.

She made a quick breakfast for both of them and ate before they went their separate ways and each got ready for the race.

"I have a meet and greet to get to so I'll see you tonight?"

"Yes you will," she smiled, "Be good,"

"Yes Mother," he joked, "No crashing and listen to the spotter,"

"You got it," she chuckled, kissing him before he headed out. She continued to get ready for work, grabbing an outfit in case he won and putting that in her bag before she left the bus and headed for the care center.

She got everything ready for the day before Tyler came in and looked at her confused.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," She chuckled, sipping on the decaf coffee and hoping it would give the same effect as if it had caffeine. "What's got you confused?"

"You're going to pre-race right?" he asked, sitting in the chair as he logged onto the computer.

"Planning on it," She nodded, " Just came in early to get things ready,"

"Did you tell him you were coming?"

"Nope. All a surprise," She smiled, "He has no clue, even though I slipped last night,"

"I'd get going if I were you," Tyler chuckled, "See you in a bit,"

Grace nodded and headed out of the care center, walking straight to pit road and finding the back of the stall the 48 had been placed in. She went around the box and over the wall just before they started the prayer, standing next to him. She didn't say anything, just grabbed his hand and held it tightly as they stood in the seasons before. They listened to the National Anthem before she turned to him with a smile on her face.

"I love you, be safe and go kill it out there,"

"I love you too and I will," He smiled, kissing her before pulling her into a tight hug, "I'll see you in a few hours,"

GraceWhere stories live. Discover now