Well slap my ass and call me judy

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"Yo babe get your ass down here" Skylar called out from downstairs. "One second!!!! Geez this is God damn America can't a girl have some freedom" I say sarcastically. I run down the stairs maybe missing a step or two every now and again. I see him there in a white shirt button all the way up to the collar, wearing a waistcoat and tight black skinny jeans. He is gorgeous. His blonde hair is all messy and wavy making sure everyone knows he's from California with his beach waves. His piercing blue eyes looking me up and down. My prom dress was the same blue as Skylar's eyes and it wasn't too long so it was comfortable. I decided that stilettos are not my thing so I'm actually wearing white converse because I'm a badass like that.
"Babe you look fantastic" he smiles and I can feel the redness forming on my cheeks. "Not so bad yourself sky" I say as I playfully punch his arm. This will probably be my last time to spend a night alone with him. Want to know the story.....well you are going to have to anyways. Ok so my mom and dad split about four months ago, for what reason I don't know.....maybe the fact my mom had been sexting some dude in Australia and now we have to move there because she said she wants to meet him. But this means I have to leave my comfortable and happy life with Skylar behind me.

As I think about the fact of me leaving I collapse onto the white sofa and start to cry........ A lot. Sky looks at my with a sorry look, sits down and pulls me into his arms. "I just.... c-can't believe...it w-won't be like.....this anymore Sky" I say between sobs. He pulls himself out of the hug and looks me in the eye with a look I have seen before, kind and gentle. He leans down and kisses my forehead. I pull him in so we can properly make out. "Hey you to now no nasty nasty on the couch" Mrs. Dawson says. I hide my face in embarrassment and can hear Sky yell in a pissed of tone "MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Suddenly Jacob and Thomas, Skylar's two best friends walk in with Jess and Laura around their waists. (side note Jess and Laura are my best friends too).
"Yeah .dude no sex on the sofa" Jacob shouts. Sky picks up a shoe and fires it across the room at Jake and it barely misses his eye. "Sky you almost gave my little baby a black eye!!!!!" Jess says with a hint of sarcasm. After taking a few shots to minimise the pain of how boring this Prom will be, we head out in Tom's Lamborghini.
We arrive at the prom and it is just as expected, people high and drunk. Jane Wallowitz runs up to me and screams "OMG Alex did I hear your moving to Australia???!" I reply "uh yeah?" . Me and my friends exchange looks and she says again in a very high pitched squeal " well slap my ass and call me Judy, my Alex is gonna be an Aussie!!!!" We all briskly walk away from the nerd and sit in the corner to start drinking.
By the end of the night I am falling around the city and soon enough Sky has to carry me home. My last memory of the night is me and sky sharing a nice kiss as he cuddles up to me in his bed.
A/N ok guys!!!!!!! So this is quite a short chapter but it is only the start of our little adventure, now if you are wondering what type of story this is then I'll tell you.......drum roll please..............it's not a 5sos fandom!!!!!!Creative right?....Not really. Sorry for any inconvenience but I wanted to make this story my own. I really hope you guys enjoy and if I get let's say about 2 votes on this chapter I will continue on. Also if you guys and gals could put suggestions in the comments, that would be amazing!

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