super long but funny

13 1 1

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like tumblr.

You: hi

Stranger: hola

You: aye

Stranger: hello

You: wats up

Stranger: lol ok this is lame

Stranger: whats up?

Stranger: the sky

You: ikr

You: yeah my roof

Stranger: dude

Stranger: okay hear me out

You: ok

Stranger: what if one day you wake up and you dont have any eyebrows

Stranger: byebrows

You: holy shit ahahahaha

Stranger: sometimes i get high and just write down what i think

Stranger: and that was one of the things

Stranger: so ur welcome

You: awesome lay it thick mate

Stranger: you waNT MORE??

You: helL YES!!

Stranger: OK

Stranger: ill just type exactly what i wrote

You: okay then

Stranger: "french fries instead of sand — homeless people fed why isn't the government doing that? / pet spider that tells you about sales on balloons"

Stranger: those were two funny ones i found

Stranger: pretty much most of it is like

You: hahaha thats great

Stranger: terrible handwriting and incoherent words

You: omg i would be at the beach all day long!!

Stranger: lol

Stranger: and like everyone has hats so when blimps come and sprinkle salt along the shore they dont get it in their eyes

Stranger: jesus thats a wonderful idea

You: blimps...

You: sounds good

Stranger: <|

Stranger: thats a thumbs up

Stranger: u earned it pal

You: :|]

You: yeah matey!!

You: thats a robot^^

Stranger: yo yo

Stranger: >(.o.)

Stranger: a fish

Stranger: NO WAIT

Stranger: >(u.o.)u

You: (^^^) remember this is a shark...?

Stranger: wow what

You: yeah

Stranger: wait i wanna try something

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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