chapter 1

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"i don't know Talia". Talia is my best friend i've known her since we were younger and were practically joined at the hip. That was until she moved to London a couple years ago to pursue her dream of becoming a singer, and becoming a youtuber along the way

"come on Hailey it will be fun and it will be a good chance for you to get out the house for once". Talia was right after she moved i hadn't been out much but i still wasn't sure how i felt about going on holiday with a bunch of people i'd never met before.
"but what if they don't like me it's going to be awkward" i exclaimed at my best friend down the phone.
"trust me Hailey they'll love you plus i haven't seen you in agesss" Talia pleaded.
"fine" i whine a small smile growing on my face. although i was worried about meeting a whole new group of people i was just happy that i was going to see my best friend again for the first time in a couple months and even though i'd never admit it to her face i'd missed her a lot as a barely got to see her with her busy time schedule.

Talia let out an exited shriek almost causing me to go death. "good we're leaving tomorrow morning so be at mine for 8:30 and you can catch a ride to the airport with me and simon". Simon was Talia's boyfriend. he was a big youtuber and was part of a group called the sidemen who i assumed we're going to be on this holiday. thankfully i had already met simon and we got on pretty well aswell as his bestfriend JJ who i got on really well with and i always had a good laugh with him whenever i got to see him.
"alright talia i'm going to go start packing i'll see you tomorrow bye". before she can reply i hang up leaping up from my bed and search through my wardrobe for my best holiday outfits while picking out an airport outfit before resting my head on my pillow and drifting of to sleep preparing for the long week ahead of me.

hi this is my first time writing a story like this so if you have any tips please let me know x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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