Chapter 34

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---After school ended---

"Eh eh where do you think you're going?" I said dragging chanyeol back by his collar.

"Please don't make me say that. It's hurts my pride!" He replied holding his hand to his heart.

"Too bad~I really don't want to miss this opportunity.
Cmon be a man. A man never says two things with the same mouth xD" I convinced him.

"Stupid man rules..." He mumbled and I just laughed.

After a light lunch we made our way to the gym. The other guys were already there and getting ready for practice. I made my way to the bench and took out my laptop to do my work while they trained.

After an hour they finally took a break and I broke away from my work. I looked around for chanyeol and met eyes with him. He however immediately avoided my eyes. Hmpf.

There were about 30 guys in the gym. A very good day to express your feelings XD

"Chanyeol ah~ get your butt to the center of the court..." I said grinning.

"A bet's a bet!" I added.

Chanyeol dragged his legs that were suddenly very heavy to the centre of the court.

At that time no one was paying attention to him.

"I LOVE YOU GUYS!" He suddenly shouted which caused a pin drop silence in the hall.

Until I broke into giggles and then everyone followed me.Suddenly the whole gym was filled with people laughing.

Chanyeol quickly walked to the bench and hid his face in the towel.

"Hahaha very good!" I said wiping my tears.

Chanyeol got up from his seat and left the gym without looking at me.

'Ehhh~ Pissed huh? Cmon it was a bet :P'

After leaving Chanyeol alone for few minutes, I decided to search for him.

I searched the school garden,music room and the dance studios. I even asked a guy to check the toilet.

Then I remembered the most obvious location that I haven't checked.

I was walking up the stairs when suddenly I got a text.


I'm still weak at reading Korean so it took me awhile to understand the message.

Fresh air greeted me as I opened the rooftop door.

I saw Chanyeol sitting on a bench staring into space.

"Pissed?" I asked as I sat down beside him and looked ahead.

He didn't reply... So I also just sat there silently.

After almost 15 mins, I finally saw him turn his head and look at me from the corner of my eyes.

I got so embarrassed that I just walked out of the gym leaving Jasmine behind.

She didn't follow me out....

I walked up to the rooftop and just sat there enjoying the breeze.

After half an hour I messaged Jasmine. Telling her my location.

A minute later I heard the door open and saw her sit beside me.

"Pissed?" She asked.

I didn't answer her thinking she would do something to make me feel better. But she never did...

I got frustrated by the silence and turned my head. Seeing her in the evening light made my anger disappear in a flash.

"Feeling better now?" I asked and turned to face him.

Chanyeol just sighed.

"I lost...." He said...."can't stay mad..."

"Hahaha..This situation really actually happened to me...Daebak..." I exclaimed.


"Ehh cmon who in our gang doesn't know that I'm a crazy drama fan?" I replied.

Chanyeol just shook his head...aiyooo

Short update after a long time~
Holidays are almost over :(

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