Are You Mad, Daddy?

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Vanna waited nervously. She was in the wolf den. She had told her father she had something important to tell him. He was going to fly with her to the power plant where nobody would hear what they were discussing... That meant no Willa or A-li to help her out. She was anxious that he'd react badly. She was also scared her mum would have already told him (although that would have been easier than her telling him). In fact, she secretly hoped he'd already been told. But what if he flipped out and totally hated her!? What if he separated them forever!? Her father was so unpredictable! He could ground her for life!

Her father came out of the cave looking as tall and intimating as ever. However, despite Vanna's father looking terrifying and dark, he had a soft spot for his children and loved both his girl's dearly. He did however, believe in firm discipline which he often showed often, especially with little Vinnie. He would firmly, but often kindly, correct mistakes that either of his daughters made. Sometimes that meant being grounded (or ceilinged? Vampires sleep on the ceiling...) and sometimes it just meant a good talking to. But no matter what he always seemed to love his daughters even if it appeared to them that they were his worst enemy.

Vanna and her father took flight into the night sky. They circled Seabrook a few times. Whilst they were flying they talked.
"What is it that you wanted, Vanna?"
"I... I want to tell you about something... Well someone..."
"Who may that be, my little bat?"
They landed on top of the plant and transformed back human (they were still vampires but they looked like a human not a bat).
"I... I... Need to tell you something, daddy..."
"Go on." He said encouragingly.
Vanna paused. She didn't know how to say it. She decided just to be direct.
"Well..."She started." I... I have a girlfriend."
Her father gasped but didn't discipline her or get angry. Then he smiled.
"That's brilliant news baby! What is her name? Is she a vampire?"
"No... She's an alien...her name's A-Li... Are you mad, daddy?"
"Not at all sweatheart! I was your age when I got my first girlfriend. And she was a human! I do not care if you partner is male or female nor if they are a vampire. All I care about is if she loves you and you love her too!"
"Really daddy?" She gasped.
"Yes sweetie. You are my daughter and I love you. I respect any and every choice you make! I'd like to meet this A-Li. "
Vanna smiled.
"Thank you daddy! You are the best!"
Her father smiled before setting off back to the cave, Vanna following.
"Does your mother know?"
"Yes." Vanna replied, "She isn't a big fan of A-Li..."
"It's okay. You're mother will warm up to her in time."
Vanna smiled. Maybe this is going to be perfect. Maybe they were meant to be together.


Vanna ran to the mothership and got that (now familiar) feeling of being teleported up into the main panel. She found A-Li in her room and told her the news.
"I told my daddy about you! " She told her girlfriend.
A-Li looked nervous. Did he not like her!?
"He likes you! He wants to meet you!"
"Wow! Really!? That's great! He isn't mad or anything?"
"No! Not one bit! He respects my decision!"
The girls laughed.
"This is almost perfect!"
"Now... He's just gotta convince my mum that you can be with me."
"Willa already half-convinced her." A-Li pointed out.
"Yeah... So... Daddy will take care of mother and get her on our side so... Just your cousins?"

It wasn't too hard to convince A-Li's cousins their relationship was a good idea. A-Lan was so pumped about his 'buddy' Zack that he didn't even care and A-Spen didn't mind. They did however say that they respected both girls but they still didn't want to be friends with Vanna. Vanna was a little disappointed at this but she didn't really mind too much.

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