L Stan, W Kyle

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Here it was. The day. The day that would change Stan's life, the day that would change everything. Stan cautiously wandered the halls to his best friend's locker — to his crush's locker — he dodged students and said hello to the few people he was close with.

Once Stan got to the end of the hall, there he was. Kyle with his green ushanka-hat. Kyle with his curly ginger hair sticking out from the hat. Kyle with his orange jacket and green vest. Kyle. Stan felt his heart sped up and pound in his chest. His ears rung and for a moment he fully believed he would throw up, an urge he hadn't felt since middle school.

However, Stan buried that urge and went up to Kyle. Every footstep putting another rock inside his backpack, every footstep felt like dread. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he didn't care though, maybe if he confessed to Kyle he would finally get over this stupid crush.

Stan was abruptly pulled out of thought when he noticed Kyle staring into his eyes.

"Dude..." Kyle covered his mouth to hide a snicker. Stan titled his head like a dog which only made Kyle laugh harder. "What?" Stan furrowed his eyebrows and frowned at his super best friend's laughing. "Nothing, nothing." Kyle wiped at the corner of his eyes and proceeded to let out an extremely loud laugh, earning a few headturns from students.

"What? What's so funny kyle??" Stan looked down at his outfit, pulling his shirt out to check if he had any ominous stains. "Your uhm-" Kyle cut himself off with a laugh. "Your sister I think drew a uhm..." Kyle laughed again and brushed Stan's bangs out of the way of his forehead. An action that made Stan's heart beat even faster – if it was possible. Kyle laughed harder and Stan finally got the memo.

Shelly drew a dick on his forehead.

"UGH! God I hate her!" Stan pulled his beanie down over his forehead and marched off to the bathroom, Kyle following close behind laughing at the phallic symbol. "Stop laughing!" Stan shouted back at Kyle as he turned the faucet on and almost slammed his face into the sink.

"Come on it's funny dude!" Kyle leaned against the wall and kept laughing, wiping at his eyes and holding his stomach. Stan let out what Kyle called his "goth growl" as he scrubbed at his forehead and made Kyle laugh even harder.

"I'm- I'm- haha! I'm sorry dude! it's just– pff– it's so funny!"

"Yeah, yeah... laugh it up." Stan muttered as he pulled his face out of the sink to stare at his sad reflection. Stan's eyes darted to Kyle and his face heated up. This was the day, right? He told himself he'd do it today.

Stan turned around, not even bothering to dry his face or finish getting the sharpie off of it. "Hey Kyle?" Stan began with a somber look as he slid the fingers on his hand between the spaces on the other. Kyle took a moment but he finally calmed down and straighted his posture.

"Yeah Stan?" Kyle slid his hands into his pants pockets.

Stan opened his mouth to speak but no words came out, he just stood there with his mouth half open. "...Stan?" Kyle waved a hand in front of Stan's face, prompting Stan to grab that hand and hold it.

"Kyle we..." Stan began squeezing Kyle's hand.

"Not we, I..." He continued on, looking to the side.

"Kyle I... I love you." He finally spat out and looked into Kyle's greenish brown eyes. God he loved Kyle's eyes.

Kyle raised an eyebrow and smiled, a chuckle escaping his lips. "I love you too dude!" He acted like it was nothing special, it wasn't. They'd been telling each other they loved each other since they became friend's.

"No, Kyle... I-I love you..." Stan tried once more and got the same nonchalant response, only this time with a more confused tone.

"Kyle I am in love with you! I think about kissing you constantly and-and holding your hand! I think about telling our parents that we're dating and... telling our friends! I- Kyle I am... I am In love with you!" Stan spat, no, threw up the words. Once he finished he let go of Kyle's hand and slapped a hand over his own mouth.

"Oh..." Was all Kyle responded with. Oh. Stan felt his heart sink, he felt his entire body become weak. How stupid do you have to be, Stanley Marsh. Stan kept staring into Kyle's eyes expectantly, hopefully.

"I... don't like you like that... Stan... sorry." Kyle scratched his head and began rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "Oh..." Now it was Stan's turn to give the most bogus reply possible. "...yeeeah..." Kyle bit his bottom lip.

"Why?" Stan asked.

"Huh?" Kyle questions

"Why don't you like me?" Stan rubbed his forearm and looked away awkwardly. "Uhm... I mean... your kind of... Just... I mean..." Kyle tried to explain but couldn't quite figure out what he was trying to say.

"I mean.. you're just... ugly dude." Now that hurt, like a knife to Stan's chest that hurt. "Wh.. what?" Stan questioned as if he didn't hear what Kyle said. "You're ugly..." Kyle muttered and scratched beneath his eye.

"Oh..." Was all Stan could muster up.



Hi! Just wanted to say this story was inspired by this tweet! ♡

Sorry it's so short and left off on an abrupt ending I got bored! I promise I'll write more fics soon this was just sort of a spur of the moment immediate idea! ♡

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Sorry it's so short and left off on an abrupt ending I got bored! I promise I'll write more fics soon this was just sort of a spur of the moment immediate idea! ♡

- 🦇

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