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(Hope's P.O.V)

*screams* Hi guys!!! I haven't talked to you I'm a while. I'm 24 years old now. Let me tell you how much my life has changed!!

I'm Hope Wayne, yes my last name has been changed cause I'm now married to Luke. The day after we graduated I got pregnant with a boy, his name is Connor. He looks nothing like Luke mostly me and I actually don't know if Luke is the father after that weird party at Dustin's. I haven't seen him for 7 years. My family is mostly the same, I'm actually pregnant with twins both girls. My job is a stay at home mom, I have to take care of my babies.

I'm Luke Wayne, I'm now married to Hope. I have a son and 2 girls on the way, I can't be any happier. I work in a fire station, I'm a firefighter. Hope and I have a 4 bedroom house and 2 cars. She has a minivan and I have a convertible. Nothing much has changed.

I'm Connor Wayne. I'm 7 years old, mommy is pregnant with my sisters. My daddy is Luke, that's what my mommy tells me but I look nothing like him. I'm in 2nd grade, I go to Lincoln Elementary School. I like to play hockey and catch with my daddy. Mommy says I'm a mommy's boy, not a daddy's boy. I always love my mommy more than my daddy.

I'm Dustin Brooks. I'm married to a beautiful girl, Quinn. I'm 24 years old, I graduated from NYU when I was 22 years old. I work as a doctor in a local clinic that I own. I don't have any kids. I lost touch with Hope after we graduated, because she had to take care of her son and she got married to Luke. I live in a 3 bedroom house, our room, guest room and a nursery.

I'm Quinn Brooks. I'm married to Dustin. I'm 25 years old. I have been pregnant when I was 23 but I lost the baby, miscarriage. Then my doctor told me I couldn't have kids and Dustin said he didn't want to do adoption. So we are still trying even though I can't have kids. We might get a serrated pregnancy. But Dustin is still unsure.

I'm Jace Sawtell. I'm now 22 years old, still in college, it's my last year. I have a fiancé her name is Jenna Lakers, my girlfriend from middle school. She is pregnant, 2 months. I'm in school to be a detective. I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with Jenna. Life is just what I thought it would be.

I'm Jenna Lakers, fiancé of Jace Sawtell. I am not in college I dropped out of high school in 11th grade because my parents died, The Sawtell family took me in and I fell in love with Jace in 12th grade we have been together ever since.

I'm Gianna Sawtell, I'm 20 years old. I'm currently a sophomore in College, I go to NYU following in my sister and brothers footsteps. I'm studying to be in law, as a police officer. Sorta like my brother. I have a boyfriend, Orlando Ferland. We might get married when we graduate.

Kylie Berk, my last name was Madison. I married Lance Berk. I have a 8 year old son and a 4 year old daughter. I live right across from Hope on the other side of the street, we are still close friends and our kids play with each a lot, it helps having a park 3 houses away. Lance and I are really good together, after we graduated college I married him, only if Amanda was here life would be perfect.

I'm Lance Berk, I'm married to Kylie and we have 2 children. I own my own diner called "Berk's Family Diner". I graduated from NYU majoring in food and nutrition. My family is wonderful except for my son having brain tumor when he was 4, we had it removed but he still isn't right.

I'm Johnny Berk. I'm 8 years old and I have a little sister but I really want a little brother. My sister is little but we still play together. I'm in 3rd grade and I go to Lincoln Elementary School.

I'm Callie Berk, I'm 4 years old. I'm in preschool at Lincoln Pre Academy. I live in a house with my mommy, daddy and big brother. I love dolls, I play with them all day long and at the park with my brother and his friend Connor.

I'm Carmen Locke, after Jacob died I never remarried, I love Jacob too much to let him go. I still have Colleen, she looks just like Jacob except my eyes. She is the love of my life now and the only thing I have left of Jacob.

I'm Colleen Locke, I'm 10 years old. I've seen pictures of my dad, I wish I could have met him, mom said he died when I was still in her stomach. I miss you dad.

I'm Xander Garcia, I'm 21 years old. I don't go to college I have a part time job in a car shop. I'm single, don't have kids but I still have my sister, mom and dad.

I'm Nicole Garcia, I'm 16 years old. I go to Lincoln Monroe High School. My girlfriend's name is Mazy, yes I'm a lesbian its not illegal.

(Other Characters)
Emily Sawtell (41)
Drake Sawtell (42)
Lillian Brooks (41)
Samantha Brooks (18)
Scarlet Garcia (36)
Evan Garcia (37)
Nathan Jr. Wayne (15)
Peyton Wayne (21)
Parker Wayne (girl) (29)
Carter Wayne (girl) (32)
Dana Wayne (55)
Nathan Wayne (55)
Stacy Michael (Quinn) (24)
Lion Michael (27)
Gayet Michael (boy) (5)
Lila Michael (2) (twin)
Carlie Michael (2) (twin)

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