Chapter 1: Times are Changing

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Just woke up and ready for the day ahead, I'm about to get Connor up and take him out today, we are going to have so much fun while Kyle's at work.

Hope: Connor, baby, it's time to wake up, I'm making pancakes.

Connor: I'm coming mommy, what kind of pancakes?

Hope: *laughs* What ever kind you want, here's your clothes now get dressed, brush your hair and come downstairs for breakfast.

Connor: Are my sisters hungry too?

Hope: Yes very, now hurry up so we can leave.

Connor: Okay, love you mommy.

Hope: Love you too.

I got myself dressed and went down into the kitchen to start making breakfast for Connor and myself.

Connor: Mommy, is it ready?

Hope: Almost, what kind do you want?

Connor: Blueberry!

Hope: Alright.

Blueberry is Connor's favorite pancake flavor. I finished making the pancakes and I sat down at the table with Connor who was very excited to have his pancakes.

Connor: These are so good mommy.

Hope: Are they?

Connor: Yeah.

Hope: After you're done put your plate in the sink and finish your orange juice then get your shoes on.

Connor: Alright mommy.

*Few minutes later*

Connor: All ready mommy.

Hope: Alright let's get into the car.


Connor: Where are we going mommy?

Hope: We are going to the park.

Connor: Yay!!!!

The car ride was mostly silent besides the radio and my beautiful little boy singing to some of the songs. I just wish I could know who his father really is. So that he doesn't grow thinking someone that he thought was his father really isn't. I just want him to have a wonderful life.

Connor: We are here mommy! Let me out so I can play.

Hope: Slow your roll little man, let me unbuckle you.

I sat on a bench watching him play with Johnny and Callie, Kylie's children. They play so well together.

Kylie: Hey Hope, how are you?

Hope: I'm wonderful, how about you?

Kylie: I'm great except for the fact that I might be getting a divorce.

Hope: What why? I thought everything was good now.

Kylie: I guess not for him, he says that he isn't happy anymore. We haven't even been married long though. And I believe that he's cheating on me too.

Hope: That's terrible Ky, I'm always here for you and if you ever need a place to stay I'm here for you too.

Kylie: Thank you Hope, you're my best friend and you're always there for me no matter what.

Hope: It's no problem, I'm glad to be your best friend. The kids seem to be having a blast together.

Kylie: They always do, so have you spoke to Dustin lately?

Hope: I told you Ky, I haven't spoke to him since we graduated and I don't think I will.

Kylie: Well you are going to have to eventually talk to him sometime, aren't you?

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