Part 1.

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   Agrona POV.

The reincarnation... The reincarnation is successful!!!

The loud screams of the scientists could be heard all around the vicinity of Taegrin Caelum. Everyone was panicking, not because of some disaster but happiness ; Happiness that the reincarnation, which costed us so much, was finally successful. I myself was basically teleporting through the castle towards the experiment room, not caring about the killing my teleportation caused. Well who would? At this moment, my dream of centuries was finally successful ; my dream of revenge.

After what felt like eternity, I finally reached my destination ; the experiment room. Just as I was about to open the door, it opened.

On the opposite was a Vritra Scientist tasked to relay this message to me but that wasn't necessary anymore. The scientists and the messenger immediately fell on their knees and bowed, "Hail Lord Vritra, we have finally succeeded".

Ignoring them, I rushed in between them and finally reached my destination, seeing the fruit of our.. No... My hard work.... A young healthy boy in a pod... Just right now in front of me was the future of Alacrya and the weapon which will destroy Epheotus.... My hands were shaking... I was screaming, screaming in happiness... I finally succeeded...

Finally after some moments of happiness and talking about the scientists, I was finally able to meet the sword of Alacrya, Grey or more specifically, King Grey. The scientists had successfully manage to block his memories about his past life except anything related to combat and a vague memory about himself. In this way, his past life wouldn't disturb him... Oh how I couldn't wait for the destruction. Oh how -

"Agrona? ".

Shit no - No please no not right now Sylvia, no  no no no no no.



She was just right now, in front of my sweaty little face, smiling.... In a creepy way...

"Oh my! The reincarnation was successful?"

"Ye - Yes... Sylvia of course it is, are you hallucinating or something".

I shouldn't have said that... I was in the wall, crouched down in the next moment with Grey cradled on her arms.

"Oh my dear little Grey, you will probably become a Harem owner in the future".

I couldn't control the snickering, of course he has my looks.

"Oh what's so funny Agrona?" Sylvia said with a neutral face...

"No - nothing, Dear just keep talking to your baby!".

"What? What do you mean by your? It's our. Our baby, understood?".

Immediately standing up and saluting, I nodded furiously for the sake of my life. "YES MA"AM".

Oh God I think I'm in even more trouble.

Note : Literally wrote this in the middle of the night, sorry if it's bad. Please point out any mistakes, thanks.

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