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Gabriella (the mob boss's daughter) and Luca (the rival's son), meet for the first time at a lavish party in the heart of the city. As they lock eyes across the crowded room, sparks fly, but they know that their families would never approve of their attraction. And so, they begin a dangerous dance, trying to hide their forbidden love from the prying eyes of their families.
As their forbidden romance blossoms, Gabriella and Luca become more and more reckless in their pursuit of each other. They steal moments away from prying eyes, sneaking off to hidden corners of the city to be together. But as their feelings deepen, so do the stakes. Luca's father catches wind of the romance and demands that Luca put an end to it, while Gabriella's father grows increasingly suspicious of her behavior. The young lovers find themselves caught in a web of lies, deceit, and danger, with no easy way out.
The tension is mounting as the couple's families start to close in on their secret. Gabriella's father sends his trusted bodyguard to shadow her every move, while Luca's father tries to arrange a marriage for him to a girl from a "suitable" family. The two lovers are left scrambling to find a way to be together, all while navigating the treacherous waters of their families' feud. It's a powder keg waiting to explode...
In a desperate attempt to escape their families' clutches, Gabriella and Luca hatch a plan to run away together. They know it's a risky move, but they're willing to take the chance for love. They arrange a clandestine meeting in a secluded park at the dead of night. As they prepare to leave, they hear a noise and realize that they've been caught by none other than Gabriella's bodyguard... cue the "oh sh*t" moment!
The bodyguard steps out of the shadows, his steely gaze fixed on the lovers. "You know this is a mistake," he says, his voice low and steady. "Your families will never accept this." Gabriella and Luca exchange a panicked glance. They know he's right, but they're not ready to give up yet. "We don't care," Luca says, his voice shaking with adrenaline. "We're going to be together, no matter what."
Yesss, defiance! Now, the bodyguard is torn. He's loyal to Gabriella's family, but he also cares about her and doesn't want to see her get hurt. He takes a deep breath and makes a decision. "Okay, I'll help you," he says, his expression softening. "But you have to promise me something. You have to be careful. Your families are powerful and dangerous. You can't underestimate them." Gabriella and Luca nod, their hearts racing with a mix of hope and fear. It's a long shot, but they're willing to take it.
So with the bodyguard's help, Gabriella and Luca make their escape, slipping out of the park and into the city. They move through the darkened streets like shadows, knowing that every moment is precious. But as they make their way towards the edge of town, they hear sirens in the distance. The police are closing in, and their chances of escape are shrinking by the second...

A LOVE TO DIE FOR : THE MAFIA'S FORBIDDEN ROMANCE Where stories live. Discover now