The night of horrors/part 2

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Lexi and Amanda stand there in shock, they both start crying, their whole bodies trembling as tears streak down their faces, they try to open the door again, but it won't budge. They decide to try and sleep, laying down on the soft mattress of Lindsay's bed, they finally fall asleep, when in her dream, Amanda is met with a tall dark figure looking down at her, the figure starts to walk towards her. She wakes up to find the same tall black figure standing Infront of her, an inch away from her face. She screams. Lexi is jolted awake by the sudden scream and sits up straight.
"What the hell?! It's 2am why the f*ck are you screaming?!" Lexi shouts, clearly annoyed.
"WHAT THE SH*T IS THAT" Amanda shouts, panicking.
"What do you mean? there's nothing there, go back to sleep." Lexi says.
"Y-yes there is, why can't you see it?!" Amanda sounds irritated, Lexi just rolls her eyes and lies back down. The black figure grabs Amanda and covers her mouth, not letting her make a sound, Amanda struggles but is inferior to the strength of this inhuman being. The being slowly broke all the bones in her body, letting her suffer, Amanda's eyes widen and tears form. Once every. Single. Bone in her body is broken, the figure ties her to the ceiling, like some sort of cursed marionette, then slits her throat and leaves her there to die. Amanda was in immense pain, she was slowly but surely bleeding out and her arms and legs felt like they were about to snap off. She waits to die, knowing there's nothing she can do, she's too weak to talk, or even make a sound.

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