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• 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌 𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌? - Romantic

• 𝙾𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚏𝚘
- No info needed.


She's not the best with this stuff. Lynx would be more private about it. However, don't expect her to pick up subtle hints of you wanting affection in public. She sucks at picking up those hints so you're going to have to ask her yourself or that she asks you, but she mostly asks you in private. If she does display it, it's mostly just holding hands and nothing more to be honest.

Just note that Lynx is trying her best to make you feel as comfortable in your relationship. She's new to this kind of thing so picking up signs are hard for her. She'll get it eventually (hopefully). When she does, you guys will mostly be holding hands. This is because Lynx is not comfortable doing other things yet.

First and for most, he's a flirty little crap. Whoever gave her the confidence to be like this should regret it and question their life decisions. Anyways, he LIVES off of your affection. She asks if you want to hold hands, kiss, stuff like that.

Ivory may flirt, but if you don't like it or prefer to do it in private, he understands and stops flirting with you. However, she may compliment you or ask for affection in public.

Has no clue what they are doing, send help to this poor girl. She's never been taught this type of stuff. All they did was help the White Witch, proceeds to get their a** kicked by Lynx in Ivory Tower and run off.

What I'm saying is, she's hopeless and is much worse at picking up your signs than Lynx. They may question why your staring at her hand or looking at them instead of watching your step. You're gonna have to ask Solar and not rely on her to pick up all the signs. They are learning, but it's going to take a lot of time.

Lives for this. Absolutely hold hands, kiss, ect. He may be somewhat bad at picking up signs, but if it's for affection, Maxi is on to it. He basically thrives off of it. However, if he does go overboard, please say. He'll make sure to tone down on how much affection he's doing.

If you're only comfortable with certain things and prefer to do other things in private Maxi understands.

They are the ones who want to do it, but is really scared to do. Sparky is just a really shy person. Rasuka and their other friends are trying to convince them to ask you.

Basically, they will do it if you wanna do it. Sparky tries to ask, but just gets really shy and embarrassed about it. So just try and ask them.

You guys would only do PDA if you know that you're safe. Nox is really cautious and it can get a little out of hand. You're gonna have to convince him if anything. If you guys are in a town, then he'll happily do it with you, but if you're not then he'll deny you for a bit. Nox will give in eventually if you persist long enough.

Yes. Just yes. Falker gets very excited when you two hold hands, kiss, ect. He's a little touch starved, but will try to not cross boundaries. Physical touch is basically his love language and is willing to express is almost anytime.

Almost because you guys literally travel and the freaking monsters are pieces of shi-

Will only do it if you wanna do it. Nyx doesn't desire the romantic closeness like cuddling, kissing, ect. However, only does it because it makes her partner happy (if you want it, of course). She's fine with it, but don't expect her to do it on her own accord.

She's secretly shy about it, but is not willing to admit to it. At first Fabelle would say no in the much earlier stages of your relationship because of it. Maybe like a couple months in and she'll shyly ask to hold your hand, but that's it.

The first time you brought this up he was like 'Okay'. Noel's chill about it, and doesn't mind it. Occasionally he'll ask if you're fine with him holding your hand or just forehead kisses in public. If you are, great. He'll do it. If you're not, he'll ask on what you're comfortable with doing and not.

Would just roll with it to be honest. Celia doesn't have the best knowledge in romance due to her being kicked out of schools so many times due to her disruptive nature and crazy antics. Due to her being kicked out a lot, her knowledge is somewhat limited and sometimes she doesn't see the signs.

When she does see the signs, Celia doesn't really understand on what she should do. Try and be upfront about it because she's not gonna understand until you explain it to her in a simple way.

So... She's scared of being alone again for reasons... Phagia may occasionally hold your hand unexpectedly just so she can feel the comfort of being close to someone she loves so dearly. However she notices after a few seconds and retracts her hand and says sorry a lot. Phagia will do it if you ask her too. However, don't expect her to do it right away because she double (triple, and so on...) checks a lot in case you're ACTUALLY fine with it and aren't doing it because of what society thinks and other factors.

Only in private. Thinks it will ruin her reputation of her being the most demonic demon that has ever lived in all the thirteen planes. Cassius prides herself in being seen as powerful and confident. She's done some crazy things that got her imprisoned. The fact she has a partner baffles everyone who knows.

However, a part of Cassius wishes that her pride didn't get in the way of everything. Number one demons all over try to challenge her and number two she wants to keep you safe as possible which is why only some of her acquaintances knows about your relationship. Despite that, she's loves to cuddle with you in private and compliment you a lot.

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