~Winter sports~

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The smell of rain and leaves immediately surrounded you as you stepped outside. The last class had just ended and you were going back home, alone like always. You didn't have any friends, you hadn't had any since 5th grade, but you had gotten used to being alone. From the corners of your eyes you watched how everyone else left together with their friends.

Your house wasn't that far, but there was all kinds of cafes, restaurants and shops on both sides of the streets, and all the people in them made you always feel very lonely. Today wasn't an exception. When you were passing Starbucks, you heard someone say your name. You glanced towards the source of the voice, and noticed some of your classmates laughing and pointing at you. You growled quietly and continued walking.

When you got home, you noticed a small note on the table. It said:

''Hey (y/n), we are very busy with work again, so we'll come home late. There's some leftovers in the fridge. -Your Mother''

''Great'', you thought. You were left alone once again. Since you were the only child, you were home alone more often that you should. After doing your homework and having dinner, you went into your room, put on your headphones and just laid on your bed listening to your favourite Spotify playlist while surfing in the internet. That was what you usually did. You didn't know it yet, but everything was going to change.

*time skip*

The next class was going to start soon, so you had to go to your locker and get what you needed. Your neighbor had the same class as you did, and he was getting his stuff, too. When he noticed you, a small smirk climbed onto his face. After closing his locker door, he ''accidentally'' tripped you and you fell down. ''Thanks for that...'' you mumbled and were about to get up, but stopped when you noticed someone standing in front of you.

''I'm sorry'', he said and helped you up, ''Gilbert just is like that.'' He looked at you for a moment and then asked, ''You're (y/n), right? I'm Matthias.'' You nodded, thanked him and gave him a small smile. ''I have the same class as Gilbert next, should I say something to him?'' he asked. ''No, i-it's okay, thank you. Actually I'm in the same class, too'', you said quietly. Before he could say anything, the bells rang. ''Come on!'' he shouted and dragged you with him towards the class.

You had never liked English lessons because there was always group projects and things like that. Everyone else formed their groups quickly, so that you were either put into one of them or had to work by yourself. Today was once again time for a project, and you were supposed to work in pairs. You heard Gilbert shouting, ''I'll be with Matthias!'', but he refused, looked at you, told Gilbert to be with Alfred, and then he walked to you. ''Need a pair?'' he asked kindly and made a peace-sign with his fingers. You nodded, and he sat next to you.

You had barely any words on the paper when the class ended. ''Hey (y/n), wanna come over to my place to finish this?'' Matthias asked. ''O-okay'', you said and he told you to wait at your locker after school and he'd pick you up. The rest of the day seemed like forever, because you were actually waiting for something.

You were getting your stuff from your locker when Matthias came. ''Ready?'' he asked and you nodded. On the way to his place you noticed that he really liked to speak. He was very loud, which made you seem even quieter than you usually were.

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