Villain of a Hero

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"Air Captain of Flight D.O.G. reporting to quarters, the target is in sight as of fifteen-nine. Repeat, target within eye sight as of fifteen-nine. Estimated time between now and scanning distance, two minutes-twelve seconds."

"Received, clear."

A young man known as the Air Captain of Flight D.O.G. sat strapped in to the well-designed air craft J.P-Tact. The Air Captain had much experience packed into his nine years of serving in his Zone's military, and knew exactly what his current misson was written as, word for word. It wasn't much for an indivdual to remember:

' Penetrate the city of Fresno's walls and locate Grand Emerald Dome. Maintain air craft Furtive and unseen. Once within close enough distance for Mem-Elec Scanner to reach throughout GEDome, gather all cognizance and information as possible as you pass over. Once you pass over, immediately transfer gathered resources of knowledge to quarters and make haste to return to base safely and secretively.'

His small and dynamic airship was cloaked with a thick layer of air that created a shield making the skies idealistically, 'absent of it's pressence.' This was otherwise known as Furtive, or Sleath, Mode.

One minute-fifty-nine seconds until within scanning distance.

The Air Captain spoke into his headgear, his message heard and recieved by the two flight members at his side, "Ready Mem-Elec Scanners."

Second Flight of D.O.G responded, "Readied."

Third Flight of D.O.G's voice crackled through his headphones, "Readied."

The Air Captain looked downward to the array of buttons and switches laid before him. To him it was as familiar as the keyboard of a computer when typing. He knew which letter was where; what switch activated what. He moved one hand; gloved in a deep, green material, forward; a single index finger hovering over a blue button, and his middle finger grazing the side of a small switch that was currently flipped downward.

He eyed the countdown on the distance meter, through the shaded protectant covering his eyes as it counted down the seconds. His lips moved with the numbers, as he whispered the time pass by the seconds, "Fifteen...fourteen...thirteen..." the green numbers glowed on the small screen to his left. "" His reaction time was instantanous, and he pressed down the button, and flicked up the switch. A few extra lights and screens lit up in front of him, and he immedately began watching every changing detail among them.

A small white light flickered in a slow and beating pattern, each blink a sign that a wave was sent out from the scanner, heading towards the GEDome as they flew overhead.

The Air Captain took this moment to glance out his side window, below to the GEDome. It was a stunning monument, a massive dome made from pentagon shaped, one-sided windows with a thick silver metal separating each section. From what he could tell with his eyes, it seemed that no one was inside; but from his information he recieved on the screens in front of him, there were hundreds of people indoors.

Suddenly, a distant explosion is heard, although muffled by the sound protector of the air around the ship. The Air Captain peered upward from the ground, to his left to see a large stream of smoke and fire rushing into the air above.

The explosion was far away, yet he wondered why they had already started their attack. They were supposed to hold off until he and his team returned with information on their central stakeout.

He spoke into his microphone to the other flight members. "Once we finish the scan we're gonna high-tail it outta here, it seems we've already started our raid ahead of time."

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