another normal day at school..

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I woke up the next day to my two younger sisters jumping around my room shouting my name.

"Nicole! Bethany! shut up!" I moaned.

I turned over to check the time on my alarm clock. shit! it was 7:30, I only had half an hour to get ready and meet the others at the bus stop! I quickly jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom, getting some light blue skinny jeans and a pink Hollister top out of my wardrobe.

I got washed and changed and put my hair up in a messy bun before applying a little foundation and some mascara and eyeliner. my friends always tell me I don't need to wear as much makeup as I do but I don't believe them.

I went downstairs to see if there was any left over breakfast, which was very rare as my younger sisters and older brother, callum eat like they've never been fed before.

"haha there's none left for you!" Bethany smirked, then she stuck her tongue out at me, with Nicole copying her.

"I didn't want any anyway" I muttered before grabbing an apple. "oh crap, its nearly 8. mum I'm going, bye!" I called before putting on my converse and running out the front door. I had to hurry down the road to meet Jade and Millie at the bus stop. They were already there when I eventually turned up.

"hi Charlotte! we didn't think you were going to come!" Jade said giving me a hug. Millie smiled at me and then bent down to tie the lace of her blue vans, her blonde hair covering her face.

"Millie, stand up the bus is coming!" Jade exclaimed, getting her bus pass out of her pocket. When we were all safely on the bus we started talking about Jake. "so, have you had any more texts of him?" Millie asked. I then realised I hadn't checked my phone since last night, so I pulled it out of my pocket and switched it on. I saw a text from Jake saying 'Charlotte, meet me near the cafeteria at lunch, I need to speak to you.' I swallowed and told jade and Millie, my voice all shaky. "are you going to?" jade asked, looking at the text.

"i.. I don't know" I said shaking my head. what would he want to talk to me for?

"go go go!" Millie said, she sounded exited.

"yeah, go and see what he has to say" jade said.

"okay, but if only you guys come too." I asked them pleadingly.

we got to school and stood around outside for a while, as we didn't need to go to our form rooms for another 5 minutes. we were stood in our usual spot, near the table tennis tables when all of a sudden Taylor pulled me away from my friends. "bitch, you'd better stay away from my boy, or else" she spat. I looked at her confused as she walked off to her huge group of friends. "what the hell?" Millie asked looking in there direction. I shrugged and at that moment the bell rung to show that we all had to go to form. we all went our separate ways.

why the hell did Taylor just say that? Jake had been texting me, and I'd not been replying.. what the fuck?...

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