Cheating PT 5

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All characters are over 18 except for the kids. (Y'all pray to your god(s) that this is the last part cuz this is taking up way to much of my writing time 😭)

Stiles sat in the hotel room Scott and Allison paid for. Lydia, Kira, Peter, maila and Danny all had there own rooms while everyone else shared a room either there plus one. " Coincidentally" stiles and Derek were right next to each other on the 3rd floor with only a few other guests on the other end of the hall. Everyone had gone down to the bar and was now back in there rooms. Everyone was fast asleep while stiles was up trying to write his speech.

"Good evening, everyone! Before I even start to thoroughly embarrass Scott I just wanna say-" stiles was cut off my the baby screaming at the top of her lungs. He threw his notebook down and grabbed her. She screamed as pointy white fangs slightly pierced through her gums. He held her tight. "Shhh. It's okay..." he mumbled as he pulled out mouth numbing gel from the baby bag and rubbed it on the now bloody gums. It was almost terrifying to look at. His heart ached seeing her in so much pain. But he knew after they all came in it would all be better. For now though he had to watch his baby scream in pain as he got no sleep. She cried at the top of her lungs. As he cuddled her and hummed he heard a knock on the door. He once again tried to stick a binky in her mouth and walked to the door. He opened it with the chain on. "What wrong with her?" Derek asked clearly grumpy. "She's teething. I'm sorry she's loud I'm trying my best." Stiles said while rubbing her back. "Hand her over." Derek grumbled. Stiles was very hesitant but he knew Derek had raised a baby before and he still for some stupid reason trusted Derek so he gently placed her in his arms. Derek took her and walked into the bathroom. He throughly washed his hands before taking her binky out and massaging her gums. Of course stiles had tried that but with those sharp basically fangs poking through it was painful. But Derek didn't even care he rubbed her gums only taking brakes to run his finger under cold water and then rub her teeth again. She soon passed out in his arms. "You did it..." stiles whispered, astonished at how easy it was. "Gum massages always help wolf babies." Derek mumbled. Stiles slowly took the baby from Derek's hands "I knew that gum massages help but her teeth are so sharp.." stiles said. "Cubs always have sharp baby teeth." Derek explained. "But she's human. It must be apart of her blood mutation." Stiles replied. "What are you talking about? She's a wolf. She has no blood mutation." Derek said looking confused. "No shes not. I'm human. her mom was human-" stiles was cut off. "Your human. Her mom must have been a wolf cause she's a wolf, or at least half." Derek explained. Stiles looked down at the baby sleeping in his arms. "Are you sure? Please don't lie to me, are you sure?" Stiles asked feeling a mix of confusion, fear and surprise. Derek walked over and pulled one of the babies eye lids to show bring yellow glowing eyes. He let go of her lid and she whined but stayed asleep. "I-i" stiles stuttered and sat down on the toilet with her in his arms. He looked up at Derek. "Fuck..." he mumbled and Derek smirked "yeah. Well it could be worse. Cmon. You need to get bed." He says while grabbing stiles hand. Derek leads stiles to his bed and takes the baby, "wait!" He shouts when she leaves his grasp. Derek shushes him as the baby fusses a little "I'm done this before. I got her." Derek mumbled. "She's my baby! You can't just take her from me!" Stiles protests. "When was the last time you slept all night?" Derek inquired and gave him a warning look. "It doesn't matter. She's my kid." He protested "stiles, co-sleeping had a fatality rate of 52%. Are you really gonna let are past risk her life?" Derek asked. "It's not are past I just don't trust being away from her." Stiles huffed. "You need to get some sleep.  Here. You can have the baby monitor in this room and mine so you can see everything that happens. I'm a single father too, I get that your scared but you need sleep." Derek explained. Stiles looked away and sighed. Basic instinct told him to keep her with him at all times but he knew if he didn't get some sleep it'd kill him. "...I get a key card to your room, I get a baby camera and baby monitor to hear and see everything and you bring her in here every hour and wake me and show me she's safe. I'll have a timer set." Stiles said and looked at him. "If even a hair on her head is plucked I will hunt you don't and tear you apart with sliver wolverine nails." Stiles warned and laid down. "Okay sti. Get some sleep." Derek sat down a key care and set up his monitor and one in his own room and took the baby to sleep with him and Eli. Stiles watched the camera for as long as he could until her passed out. And just as stiles said, derek brought her in every hour and showed she was fine. The next morning stiles felt way better then usual he immediately got up and went to Derek's room to find the baby in a makeshift cot next to Derek as he held a passed out Eli in his arms. Stiles smiled and blushed. If you had brought a kid to Derek 4 or 5 years ago he would have gagged and ignored it. Now he was not only being a amazing father to Eli but to stiles baby. Something about seeing all of the changed Derek had made, made stiles crush on him all over again.

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