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Description: Hongjoong really likes Seonghwa, and the feelings seem to be returned, but then what he thought was a drunken imagination returns. And people don't normally have glowing eyes 

TW/Details: Vampires lol, blowjobs, no lube, fingering, anal sex, unsafe sex, dirty talk(?), and biting. 

A/N: I'd recommend reading my "Happy Halloween" Seongjoong smut book before reading this one. It'll make more sense. Anyway,  ✨ emoji at the smutty part~


   Hongjoong shifted in the bed, sunlight peeking through the window across the room, illuminating his surroundings as he slowly began to wake up and remember the events of last night.

   The drinking, the dancing, the intense kissing, the touching, the fucking, Seonghwa's voice, his dick, his eyes- His eyes.

   Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows, a distinct memory from last night being during round 2, Hongjoong on Seonghwa's lap, just after kissing him. He pulled away to breath and looked down at Seonghwa, his eyes were so intense, beautiful, but they were glowing.

   What? No, it must've been the lighting in the room, but that still didn't explain it. The room was fairly dark, only soft moonlight peering through the blinds of the window. But his eyes seemed to glow a blue-ish hue. But Seonghwa had silver contacts on didn't he? Now that he thought about it, Hongjoong couldn't remember if he could see the ring lining of contacts in Seonghwa's eyes. Was his natural eye color silver? That's not possible-

   Hongjoong's racing mind was suddenly pounding, he was thinking way too fast for his hung over mind. The younger shifted in the bed, laying on his back before he finally took notice of the other sleeping body next to him.

   Hongjoong smiled, Seonghwa's hair was a mess on the pillow, his makeup smudged, lips in a natural pout. The younger couldn't imagine what he must look like in this moment- but he was too distracted at the moment, deciding to take his time to remember every detail of Seonghwa's resting face. The older was shirtless with a blanket covering the rest of his body, he looked so peaceful and relaxed.

   Though as Hongjoong watched, a small piece of him wanted to wake him up to confirm whether or not he was wearing contacts, no one would sleep in contacts right? Well- even after sex? ..maybe.

   The younger sighed, he was overthinking things, it must've been just a trick of the light and his beer influenced mind. Seonghwa's eyes weren't really glowing. What happened last night was that he got the best sex of his life. And not to mention, Seonghwa was really pretty and really kind to him. Everything about him was his type, Hongjoong hoped that this wasn't going to be a one time thing.

   'God damnit. Wooyoung is never going to let this go,' Hongjoong thought, before suddenly realizing he never told Wooyoung and Yunho where he had disappeared to. 'Fuck, they might be worried,' He thought, quickly shuffling out of the bed.

   "Oh fuck-" Hongjoong yelped, he stood up from the bed and his knees buckled, catching himself before he completely fell to the floor and sitting back on the edge of the bed.

   His ass and lower back was sore as fuck. And he was still naked. Looking himself up and down, he felt the blood rush to his cheeks. His chest and waist were covered in hickeys, he couldn't imagine what his neck might've looked like. Though, in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but like them.. just a bit.

   "Are you okay?" A low voice rang out.

   Hongjoong quickly turned his head to the left, Seonghwa's eyes half lid and he slowly sat up in the bed.

   'Oh my god,' Hongjoong thought, he was completely naked, covered in hickeys, his makeup and hair was for sure a mess, and here was literally the most ethereal person he had ever met in his life staring at him. He could feel himself radiating heat from his blushing cheeks.

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