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Month 1

Your lovely childhood friend Jimin was sometimes your only conduit to a normal life, so when he invited you to a party, it felt like a breath of fresh air. You could wear what you want, be who you want, be free for the night. So you didn't waste the chance. Black boots, fishnet tights with leather shorts and a black crop top.

You studied yourself in the mirror and sighed. You felt good, you thought you looked good, but your night of freedom already felt like it ticking quickly to an end. You would need to make the most of it while you could! 

Gathering your purse, phone and keys, you left your stifling apartment and drove to Jimin's townhouse. Your car stood out among the older, cheaper models and you thought about downgrading.

Jimin shared the townhouse with his boyfriend Taehyung. Parties weren't either of their thing, but their place was the best among their friend's so they always ended up hosting. Music was leaking out the door, you knew they wouldn't hear you if you rang the doorbell, so you pushed the door open and began navigating the bodies crowding the space.

Being in a crowd of strangers where no one knew who you were with the music blasting was liberating and made you feel like screaming in triumph. You loved moments like this. Someone grabbed your elbow and tugged you sideways.

"Hey bitch!" Jimin's eyes glittered playfully and you threw your arms around his neck.

"Jimin, babe, it's been too long!" He chuckled and took your hand.

"Come, let's get you a drink." As he led you to the kitchen, the music's pervading presence dimmed slightly and it was becoming feasible to have a conversation without yelling. Taehyung and a small group of guys were leaning up against the counter talking.

"Well you look fine as fuck!" Taehyung leaned over and kissed your cheek.

"You sure do." It was a quiet, but firm admission and you looked to see who had said it. Your breath caught in your chest. Yoongi.

He was staring at you with an amused smile. His dark hair was long and parted on this forehead. He was wearing a plaid pullover and a white t-shirt with dark wash jeans. He looked fine as fuck and older, more mature. You hadn't seen him in years.

You remembered the first time you saw Yoongi smile. You were maybe thirteen. This young man who had constantly worn a guarded expression, broke out into the biggest smile, full of gums and you were thrown off balance, it felt as if your whole world was tipping and falling face first into the unknown.

Ever since then a little piece of you had been chained to him, you realized this as you sized him up. His dark eyes flicked to your face.

"Thanks!" You winked at him. Jimin handed you a drink, interrupting the moment.

"Oh that's right! You two were friends when you were younger, weren't you?" You resisted the urge to glare at Jimin, he knew full well that you were and that your crush on him still had its mark on you. You looked back to Yoongi.

"We were." His amused smile was now tinged with a slight sadness, "It's good to see you again Y/N."

"You too, Yoongi." Could you sound more pathetic? You shook yourself mentally and stood straighter.

As the conversation among the small group resumed, you felt your eyes drawn to Yoongi again and again, as if their alignment was off and you were destined to drift in his direction if you weren't actively engaged. 

Yoongi, who had been so solemn as a young adult, was full of small smiles. This was a side of Yoongi that you had always loved and it made you irrationally sad to know that he was freely given this side of himself away for free. People should have to pay admission to witness the beauty.

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