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Month 2

"You're so funny!" You commented around the pretzel bite in your mouth. Your companion across from you snorted and dusted the salt off his hands.

"How so?" Yoongi asked.

"I tell you I want to take you out to lunch and you tell me to meet you at the mall. I could literally take you anywhere and you choose the mall!" Yoongi snorted again but didn't respond. You were in the food court at the mall with Yoongi, eating mall food court food, which maybe sometimes hit the spot, but not today.

"Next time, I'm taking you somewhere nice, you don't get to choose!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's go walk around." Yoongi got up and took the tray from the table. You hurried after him as he carried it to the trash to empty it. He placed the tray in a stack of other trays, then looked at you with a pleasant smile. It had been a few weeks since the two of you had reconnected. In that time, you were meeting up a couple of times a week, you felt more alive than you had in years.

"I'm serious Yoongi, I get to choose," You insisted, hurrying after him when he started moving again.

"I honestly don't care where we go, why do you care so much?" He placed his hand on the small of your back and encouraged you to get on the escalator before him.

"I just want to treat you ok? I like doing things for you." You felt a flush of warmth in your cheeks and you looked away from him. He was standing on the next step right behind you. It felt like he was leaning into you, trying to meld with you, but that was probably just your overactive imagination.

At Jimin's party the two of you had kissed and over the last few weeks you had made out several times, but nothing more. You didn't hold hands when you went out together. There were no nicknames or relationship labeling. Whatever Yoongi was, he was not your boyfriend and yet you wanted to spoil him, dote on him, take care of him. You had never felt that way about another guy before.

You stepped off the escalator and looked around.

"I'm assuming since you led me up here, you have a destination in mind?" You asked him and he hummed in response.

"I just want to stop in while we're here and then we can go anywhere you'd like." You hadn't shopped at a mall in ages, you did most of your shopping online nowadays. Yoongi was a little bit more old fashioned. He liked going to a movie theater to watch a new movie and he liked calling over texting. He apparently liked malls over the plethora of products available online. When you asked him why, the corner of his lip turned up in a cheeky smile.

"I like to be able to touch the things I want." You huffed in disappointment, as if the lack of handholding was a reflection of this life philosophy.

"Come on," He urged, waving you into a music store, of course it was! He was like this as a kid, but now even more so. If you weren't making out or if you weren't trying to get him to give you the green light on some of your crazier schemes, Yoongi was educating you about the world of music and producing.

It was nerve wracking to you to think about being consistently creative enough to make a career out of it. You would have to be creatively in tune every single day, that made Yoongi seem like a wizard to you, a genius, an elite problem solver. It was an extremely attractive trait that you didn't know you had an affinity for until Yoongi.

As you walked through the store, he would make small comments to you or go back and forth between different pieces of equipment comparing them. Some of it went over your head or in one ear and out the other, but you loved being with Yoongi and being a part of the things he cared about.

There were a pair of headphones that he kept coming back to, reverently fingering them before putting them back down and moving to other things.

He wanted them and you wanted to be the one who gave them to him. It was a split second decision. You plucked them up off the shelf and took them to the counter, jarring the young cashier into life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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