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☆ I was talking to my friends about what my theme is our bat mitzvah is gonna be. "Mines candy land themed, it gonna be so fun" Lydia says. "I haven't thought of a theme yet, and it's four weeks away!" I exclaimed, "buttt I was thinking horror themed, I LOVE horror movies!" "I don't know y/n, isn't there children going to your bat mitzva-" tara got cut off by Andy's soccer ball hitting me in the face. "Oh my god" "Are you okay?" "I'm good, except my nose is bleeding alot" I say, touching the blood under my nose. "Oh shitt" Andy says. "That doesn't look good" Lydia says. "Are you okay?" Mateo asks. "I'm alright" "Have some water" He says, worried. "Thanks mateo" I smile at him and drink the water. "Andy take your victim to the nurse!" Mateo shouts at Andy. He runs over. "Alright alright it couldn't be that ba- oh!" "Are you gonna take me or what?" "Yeah sorry"

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Ever since school started, I have never went to lunch. I always went to the library and get my homework done. But today, the librarian caught on and told me to go to lunch today. Great! I went to go get my food. "I've never seen you get lunch before, are you new?" The lunch lady asks. "No I've um.. always had my own lunch but I forgot it today." I made up a lie on the spot. "Oh okay" she says. Now I have to figure out where to sit. I looked left to right until I saw a girl with long black hair sitting alone. I walk up to the end of the table where she was sitting. "Hey um can I sit here?" I ask. "Yeah sure" she says in a bit of a low voice. "I'm y/n, want to be friends?" "Yeah, I'm stacy" she says, smiling.

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☆ It was my first day of school and I knew no one. It's been a few days since school had started, so everyone knew eachother already. I looked around for people to talk too, even though I don't like talking to people., until I see a group of boys playing soccer. I've always loved soccer, my dad taught me when I was five years old. I wanted to ask, but what would they say? I built up all my courage and went up to them. "Hi, uh.. can I play?" "Sorry we don't play with girls" a boy with dirty blonde hair said. "Excuse me?" I say. "Come on give her a chance man, you don't have to do this with every girl that asks to play a sport with us" another boy said, he had dark brown curly hair, and he had an accent. He was pretty cute. "Fine." The first one said. He shoves the ball in my hands. After the game, I won obviously. "Fine, you can play with us. Youre on that team" I walk over to my team, and the boy with curly brown hair was on it. "You're really good" he was looking up at me. He was about seven cm shorter than me. "Thanks!" "I'm mateo" "Y/n"

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I was in the bathroom touching up my hair because I didn't have time to to it in the morning. I had about five minutes until class started. I rushed and rushed and then I had three minutes left. I was thinking of skipping, but if my mom found out I'm done for. A girl had walked in while I had two minutes left. "Hey, um do you have a brush I could borrow?" She asked "uh yeah I do" I said, giving her my red brush. "We have like thirty seconds want to skip?" I thought about it. "Yeah"

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I was swinging on the swings in the park. I'm one of those people who actually like to go in the air and swing and not like other people to sit on their phone. I was going pretty high until a boy came up to the swings and sat on the one next to me. He looked up at me looking how high I was going until he asked "do you wanna see who can go the highest in three minutes?" "Sure" I answer. I jump off and stop the swing from almost flipping a sit back down "Alright three, two, one" He set the timer and sat on the swing. After the three minutes we were comparing who was higher. "I was obviously going higher than you but okay, whatever floats your boat" I say. "Whatever. I'm Aaron, you?" "Y/n"

(If ur Aaron's girl I'm sorry ur a victim of sassy man apocalypse)

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